"He went out hunting," Jasper answers with a chuckle and I nod. Awesome. Finally some peace and quiet.

    My phone beeps again and I take it out with a lovestruck smile. "Aw look at Ronnie being all cute," Emmett coos reaching forward to tap my nose and I swat his hand away with a playful glare.

    "Shut it, Emmy Bear," I playfully snap back and stick my tongue out which he does the same making the others laughs softly at us.

I shake my head chuckling and plop down on the couch while unlocking my phone. I feel fine but okay. I guess I have to endure this long torturous wait for our date.

I smile to myself and slip off my shoes then move to be laying down on the couch. It's just today then tomorrow I'm all yours.😉

Suddenly I feel my legs being lifted and I glance down finding Emmett sitting down then he set my legs on his lap.

"You're taking up the whole couch, Ronnie," he jokes making me chuckle as he set his arms on my legs with a controller in his hands.

My phone beeps again. I like the sound of that. I can't wait. It's gonna be so much fun 😊. I smile at the emoji she sent.

I think so too. I'll pick you up at 5:30 sharp. Remember wear something you feel comfortable in. I hit send and wait for a reply as I watch Emmett play against people in COD.

"There's a sniper on the roof," I warn him and his character turns up then fires at the person.

  "Thanks, Ronnie," he says and pats my leg quickly before securing his hand back on his controller.

  "No problem, Emmy," I respond back and focus back on my phone seeing another message from Bella came through.

   So if I show up in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you wouldn't care? I grin as I can imagine her in them. She would look so cute.

  Nope. You would look absolutely adorable in them. And like I said something comfortable. I hit send and wait for a reply.

  You're so sweet, Ronnie. What are you doing right now? I smile to myself and know if I could I would be blushing right now.

   Texting you and laying on the couch with my legs on Emmett who's playing the game. What about you? I take a picture of Emmett with my legs stretched out but I make sure nothing's in the background out of the ordinary before sending it.

   A couple of seconds go by. Cool. So he's a gamer? Also I'm laying in my bed. Dad ordered me to be while he checks on me every 20 minutes. A picture comes through and it's of Bella laying against a couple of pillows.

   It's beautiful and hot. I clear my throat slightly and shake my head to get of those thoughts. You look beautiful and yes he is. As am I and my other brother Jasper. Sometimes I can get my sisters to play but Alice gets kicked out because she cheats by distracting Jasper and Rosalie gets bored of it fast. And that's sweet of your dad to do. Mine is the same. Also since you gave me a picture of you it's only fair I send one of myself to you.

   I lift my phone a bit to take a selfie of myself smiling before sending it. "Ronnie's taking selfies. What's next you're gonna be sending nudes?" Emmett teases and I grunt in annoyance while kicking him not so gently.

"Ow! Really!? I get hit twice?" He exclaims rubbing the back of his head where mom swatted him at.

"There's gonna be a third if you don't leave Ronnie alone," Rosalie spoke up and I smirk at him as he looks between mom, Rosie, and I before throwing his hands up in disbelief.

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