Chapter 9: The Vanished of the Harpy village (Arc 4 final)

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It was morning where we see Iron Man in his stealth suit and hiding behind the trees while invisible as he hangs out at the Chris the redeemer statue and waited his chance to get in.

After a while of waiting the statue lifted up and a truck came out and drove away. Iron Man flies over as quickly but quietly as possible and soon he made it onto the platform as it starts to decent.

The lift goes down until he reach the bottom floor as he step out of the platform. He look around and hovers off the floor and make his way through the hallway and searches for the security room.

Thanks to his invisibility tech, he can sneak by guards without being spotted as he soon made it to the security room and he hack into the door controls and gets it open.

He step inside and sees two guards sitting on two chairs and looking through the monitors so Iron Man walks up behind them until he gets right up behind the two and then grab each of their shoulders and shock them with electricity.

They fall unconscious as Iron Man push them away and starts hacking into the system.

Iron Man: Kuroko, I'm in. Shutting fown all cameras, alarms and everything else and locking down any exits of the armory.

Kuroko: (radio) Good. We're making our way to your location right now.

Iron Man: Right then.

???: Can you find Papi?

Iron Man: Yeah she could be-wait?  Suu?! Where are you?!

We see Suu on his back and turn small but when she leap out of him she growl back to her human size.

Iron Man: What are you doing here?!

Suu: I wanna find Papi. She's my friends and I wanna help.

Iron Man: This is too dangerous for you to be here!

Suu: I'll be fine! Bullets wouldn't even hurt me since it made out of slime!

Iron Man:..........Huh.....your right. Okay you can stay but stay close to me okay?

Suu: (smile) Yes master~!

Iron Man: Now as for Papi let me see.

He look through the monitors until they found her and the other Haypys.

Suu: There she is!

Iron Man: Still arm guards there. Okay Suu stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.

He turn back invisible and leaves the room as Suu stays in the room and look around the amazing technology they have. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming so in a panic, Suu drags the unconscious bodies somewhere while she shrink and hide inside a empty cup as two guards walk in and see the room being empty.

Guard 1: Huh, guess their shift was done.

Guard 2: A bit earlier don't you think?

He just shrugged and they walk up to the monitors. One Guard noticed the cup with Suu inside. Thinking it is water he pick it up and was about to drink Suu which she start to panic.

Guard 1: Hey dude.

The second Guard turn as the first guard pull up a wallet and tells his friend.

Guard 1: Looks like one of them drop their wallet. We should return this to them.

Guard 2: Yeah. Hopefully no one didn't steal anything before we came.

He place down the cup and the two leave the room and as soon they did Suu slowly leaves the cup and grow back and she was shaking a bit.

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