Bio: Henry

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Name: Henry


Race: human 

Personality: Shy, kind, helpful, laidback, smart, funny, cheerful

Personality: Shy, kind, helpful, laidback, smart, funny, cheerful

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Attribute: Aquos

Likes: The mobians, seedrians, his friends, his adopted mother Rouge the bat, Team Sonic, his bakugan partner Aquos Akwimos, helping others, having fun bakugan battles

Dislikes: Evil, mean people, Dr Eggman, people using bakugan for evil, Dark Oak, Tygren, power hungry people, His adopted mother Rouge the bat stealing the master emerald

Guardian bakugan partner: Aquos Akwimos

Love interest: Cosmo the seedrian

Backstory: Henry was found by Rouge the bat and was raised as her son. Rouge cares a lot for her son and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him. Henry's best friend and bakugan partner is Aquos Akwimos who always stood by Henry's side. Henry is the brains of Alex's team when they need his smarts.

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