Pieces Of The Life I Had Before

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Before, everything was much better, there was no drama and no quarrels. I was able to live my ideal life as a vampire in peace. I had fun with Kol and Damon. I have toured Europe. Bars and pubs. I've never been able to sit still because Klaus.

1580 Katherine and I escaped from Klaus. Katherine has been in Klaus sights and I have been on the sidelines. Klaus thinks I help Katherine to escape. He doesn't know I'm a witch and a vampire. Even if Klaus tries to do something to me, I can defend myself with my magic. Otherwise, Klaus is more than half my age and stronger, I wouldn't be able to cope in a normal fight. But if Klaus gets close to me, secrets will be at risk. Those secrets, pieces of the life I had before.

I found my soul mate. Alec Volturi. His red eyes and dark brown shiny hair, some of which fell on his eyes. His pale smooth skin, full lips that feel warm against my own. The electronic shocks that went through my body when he kissed me passionately. His strong hands holding me against his body. He hasn't let anyone close to him except his sister and he was about to open that opportunity for me, he seemed to give it a chance. We went out and he spent time with me.

But all good things had to end before it started. The Volturi and the Cullens. The eternal hatred of two vampire coven. After I met Carlisle and spent time with him learning nursing, Carlisle saw that I was lonely and invited me to live with him. He was like a second father to me. He opened his arms and his life to me. Later when others joined the coven. They became sisters and brothers to me. They became Carlisle and Esme's adopted children. I had another family.

My life was nice. I married Edward but I always felt something was missing, I couldn't stay where I was, part of the reason was Klaus. I had heard what he did to Katherine's family in 1580. So I was afraid he would hurt the Cullens. When I was helping the Cullens to fight the newborns and I heard the Volturi coming and I realized they were going to let the Cullens die. I realized that the hatred between the two covens will never end. And I'm not going to pick sides. Alec and I can't be together. I didn't fall in love Alec, but I was going to.


We hid in the shadows and saw Klaus fetching Elena for the ritual. The full moon was in the sky. "Damon freed Caroline and Taylor."

"So the wolf is running free here? What if he bites someone?" I said worried.

"Where's Damon?" I asked Stefan on the phone.

"I don't know, I'm looking for..." I put the phone down. We arrived later to see the ritual. Klaus had Jenna as a vampire and that wolf Jules.

"That witch looks annoying I want to kill her." I said out loud.

"I liked Jenna." Jason said.

"You never met her." I said looking at Jason.

"I've spied and I know everything about everyone." Jason said with a grin.

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