The Devil In Disguise

Start from the beginning

The journey was long and I leaned on Alec's shoulder. "So this Silas is some witch?" He asked, looking at the scenery we passed. "Strong and old kind." I replied looking ahead.

"We've lived a long time but I haven't heard anything other than Caius mentioning something about vampire hunters." Alec explained.

"He was in love with some girl  and another powerful witch was in love with Silas. She was jealous and buried him with the cure, they say." I said, relaying what I've heard over the years.

"You have a plan?" Alec asked, moving his eyes to me. "No, but I'm going to find out about this Silas." I said locking eyes with Alec.
"France, the country of love." Demetri said aloud and Jason chuckled. "Who did we come to find?" He asked looking at me and I looked up at Demetri. "Some old lady." I answered and Jason looked questioningly.

"Oh ok where is this old lady?" Demetri asked and I looked at the city in front of us.

"I guess I can track her down." Demetri said and I laughed. "It won't work." I said and Jason's eyes widened when he realized who I was looking for.

"Why not?" Demetri asked.

We were standing in a cemetery and in front of one stone. I looked down at the names that had been carved into the stone years ago.

"Oh, because she's dead." Demetri mumbled.

"This is her grave, she lived in that cabin you found. She was really really old, and I don't mean 80 years old." I said looking at Demetri who was still standing in wonder, and the Volturi guards looked at each other.

"How the hell are you going to ask a dead person anything?" Felix's speech was heard and Alec scolded him for being silent.

"You have no idea what she's capable of." Jason mumbled and I held out my hand.

I took my necklace in my other hand and crouched in front of the grave. Jason took his and sat next to me.

"Um what are you doing?" Demetri asked and glanced at Alec and Jane who were staring silently. "These necklaces are made by her." I replied and closed my eyes to begin the spell.

"What the hell." Felix asked and Demetri glanced at him. "I don't know but this is a bit scary." He spoke and Jane looked at them both.

"Be quiet, unless you want to feel pain." Jane growled.

"No this is really weird is she able to contact the dead?" Demetri spoke boldly and Alec turned to face them. "We seem to learn something new about her every day." Alec mumbled but the others heard him clearly.

"I've met witches over the years, but they can't do this." Demetri spoke and Jane was quiet this time and listened to them. "I also thought that it takes a lot of strength to do something like this or dark magic." Felix answered and they looked at each other.

"What do you know about witchcraft?" Alec asked and Jane turned around as well. "Caius knows and he has told some things, no witch can raise the dead without dying herself." Demetri said and looked towards the tombstone.

"Witches usually get their power from nature, but some practice dark magic. It's usually powerful and deadly." Felix continues and Alec frowned at the two.

"But I guess she's powerful then?" Jane spoke and pointed towards the two who were in front of the tombstone.

"I don't know what to believe anymore, as Aro said, everything can be found on earth these days." Demetri said quietly.

I found myself standing in a cemetery looking at others standing by a tombstone. "Hello dear child." I heard from behind me and I turned around with a smile. "Nice to see you after a long time." The woman spoke and looked behind me.

"I have a lot of questions." I started and she interrupted. "I know sweet child, I've been following you and Jason for years...that handsome original vampire too." She spoke and smiled. I laughed out loud and shook my head.

"Speaking of which, where is the charming vampire?"

"In Mystic Falls." I answered and she turned her gaze to me.

"Silas. What do you know about him and the cure?" I asked. "He will not be awakened, death will come to earth." She said quickly with wide eyes.

"What about this cure?" I asked, eyeing her gestures.

"It's not meant for anyone."

"What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"That hybrid is looking for the hunter's grave, where the sword is buried, and if he understands how to read it, he will find out that there is only one cure."

"Just for one?"

"It's meant for Silas to make him mortal."

"Oh, so if someone drinks the cure, Silas will look for them because he wants it himself?" I asked while putting the pieces in place.

I looked up into her eyes and she nodded silently but looked away.

"What is happening?" I asked, looking in the direction where the Elizabeth was staring with wide eyes.

"You have to go back. You're the devil in disguise." She said and I looked up raising my eyebrows.

"What's going on Elizabeth?"

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