11: anchored trust

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Eli hale, I've been out for hours, playing Lacrosse, after having that.. flashback I had, I couldn't go to sleep, So I've been out in the barn, playing Lacrosse, I've been trying to get my thoughts in order, for the talk with Nat. it'll probably happening today, after school. I've decided not to go to school, I think it would be better for me, I'm so stuck with getting some amount of normal, pretending that will ever happen, when it won't, I'm a werewolf in another universe where my dad's doppelganger Is an alien hero, is living with that alien hero's family. Normal doesn't exist for me, it never has. I paused. "What am I gonna do?" I whispered, it's been a month, so if Lois was telling me the truth, that means her husband, Jordan and Jonathan's Dad, fucking superman will be returning! I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I've have enough money for some time, since Lois has been giving me more than enough I haven't had to steal, and I don't think I could even if I needed too since she started giving me money, I'm already feeling guilty enough. But I'll still need to take one of the cars. I'm going to be living with Superman, like I'm going get away with it. But I don't think I can live with him. He looks just like my dad, how am I supposed to deal with that?! "you're thinking too hard Eli, Just breath" I said, I took a couple breaths and returned to playing.

Jordan Kent, me and Jonathan were having a... heated conversation. "Just let it go Jordan" sighed Jonathan, he sat down. "I can't though! He knew I was going to do something!" I yelled, i keep on replaying that in my head. Him bing held down, blood dripped down his chin, whispering not to do anything. "How would he know I would hear him?" I asked, he looked straight at me, how would he know I was going to get him out of there? "Jordan, he doesn't know" said Jonathan, I turned to look at him. "How do you know?" I asked, but how would he have known? "We could see it on your face you were going to try something that would be stupid, if it weren't for your powers" answered Jonathan, I sighed, holding my head. "I know that Just sounds like I'm trying to annoy you, but the look on your face, it said you were going to do something" Continued Jonathan, I thought I hid it well. "I saw one of the guys point a gun at you, the only reason he didn't shoot you was because the lights went out" he told, I took my head out of my hand. "Really?" I asked, I was too focused on Eli, I didn't realise... "Ya, and I know Eli mumbling that is odd, but maybe he Just couldn't say it any louder" he suggested, that makes sense, he was being beaten. "That Just doesn't sit right with me" I said, it makes sense, but it doesn't feel.. right. "And it wasn't Just that, it's how he's okay now, I saw blood dripping out of his mouth" I said, and when the criminals were took down by Nat's dad I could see multiple puddles of his blood. "Ya, that's odd I guess, but Let's Just be glad he's okay, you're glad about that, right?" He asked, I looked at him. "of course I am" I said, why would he thin- right. What I said. "There's Just so many lose ends to what happened" I said, we stood up. Breakfast should be done soon. "let's Just ignore that, Eli's okay, that's all that matters" he said, he's right, that's all that matters. "why don't you Just ask him?" Asked Jonathan, I thought about that, confronting him. "I don't feel I have the right to question him, but you're right, all that matters is that he's okay" I agreed, so what if it's confusing that he's healed, so what? "Boy's breakfast is ready!" told Mum, we ran down Stairs. "Can one of you wake up Eli?" She asked, the Keys were on the counter."Ya, I will" I said, I grabbed the keys, went back upstairs and unlocked his door. "you up Eli?" I asked, I didn't hear anything, maybe he actually went to sleep. "Eli I'm going to come in" I warned, he's probably asleep if he isn't responding. I opened the door. "Eli beakf- Eli?" I asked, his room was empty. Window open. Shoot! What do I do?! "Mum!" I yelled continuesly, shit he slept walked out! And I thought of the S word! "Eli's gone? Isn't he?!" Mum panicked, it's that obvious? she peeked into Eli's room. "Damn it!" she said, we went to the window "it was opened, and I don't see any blood, that's good" she observed, so Eli shouldn't be badly hurt! "Jonathan Eli's gone!" Yelled Mum, I heard his chair scraping against the floor and- banging? "Hell ya! On-" yelled Eli. I hear him, Easily. "I'll call John henry" interrupted Mum, Eli's close, I can still hear him. "-e for Eli hale!" Eli yelled, he's in the barn. Playing Lacrosse. "Wait! It's okay!" I yelled, I turned and saw them both looking at me "what do you mean?" They both asked, I could hear Eli rambling to himself, the balls hitting the net. the banging. "He's okay, he's in the barn, playing Lacrosse" I answered, I guess he couldn't sleep during the night. I saw them relax. "it was a false alarm, he's okay" I sighed, that kid might Just scare us to death. "He's okay then" sighed Mum, I noded, I still heard the banging, how long has he been out there? "Ya he is" I assured, does he get tired? Doesn't seem like it. "Who should go get him then?" Asked Jonathan, I'm getting him. "I'll will, You two go down and eat" I said, before mum could object, I Jumped out the window and ran to the barn.

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