7: making it up

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Eli hale, it's been a couple days since that... whole thing happened, nothing has happened since, I haven't slept at all though, but that isn't surprising. Someone knock my door. "Eli, breakfast" said Jordan, he's been doing as I asked, not talking to me, trying to keep his distance, as best he can. "Ok" I said, I went down to breakfast. "Did you get any sleep?" Asked Lois, she has been checking up on me during the night, she's smarter than Scott, so she knows I haven't. "You want the truth or a lie?" I asked, I shoved a peice of bacon into my mouth. "I'm guessing the lie is sleep?" Asked Lois, she knows the answer. "you want the lie or not?" I asked, she sighed and shook her head. "Excited to see Nat later?" She asked, I guess I am, I Just don't feel... anything right now. "Ya, I am" I answered, I moved my fork around the plate. We had finished breakfest and were Just about to go to school. "oh um.. here, for the school trip" I mumbled, I passed the permission slip to her. "oh right, boys give me your ones" she said, the brothers gave her their slips.

The day went fast, it was already lunchtime, I was with Nat alone, the brothers sat elsewhere again. "How's it been?" She asked, I shrugged, she already knows the answer. "figured, still not sleeping?" She asked, I sighed and Shook my head. "No, but that means no nightmares" I mumbled, and no good dreams. I was happy seeing my dad. "But I've slept a lot since I came here" I said, most ending in terror, but still, sleep. "I guess that's a positive?" She suggested, it is a weird thing to say "ya, I Guess" I sighed, At least the time goes faster when I sleep... in a way. "Tell me about Lacrosse again" Demanded Nat, we've talked about Lacrosse the past couple days. "but tell me about a game, or training, if you can" added Nat, she's realised that talking about Lacrosse makes me happy. "I'll try to think of one, I can't thi- actually I do have one" I smiled, one of my best memories.

I tapped my foot against the floor repeatedly, I joined up for Lacrosse tryouts next week. I'm not going to get on the team, instead I'm Just going to make a fool of myself. Like I always do. "Eli, you're really anxious" observed Dad, he came over to me. "stupid wolf smell" I mumbled, he sat next to me. "I'm pretty Sure it isn't about the full moon in a couple days, right?" He asked, he's been trying to convince me to join the hale ranks of werewolfness! "No" I said aggressively, I moved away from him, I don't want to become one. "Okay, I thought so" he sighed, I can tell he wants me to be one so bad, I Just... don't. I moved back next to him. "What's got you so anxious then? I won't drop it" said Dad, I know he won't. "I shouldn't try lying, should I?" I asked, I would normally be able to lie, he doesn't like having to listen into my heart beat, He doesn't take advantage of his abilities much with me. "No, no you should not" confirmed dad, he only uses them when I'm anxious like this, or he fears I'm in danger. "I tried out for a team... and I don't have anyone to practise with to make me better for tryouts next week" I admitted, I'm the awkward kid, the lonely, awkward kid. "What team are you Joining?" Asked Dad, I could see he was excited, he's always wanted me to get along with others, so being in a team could help. "Not basketball, sorry to let you down" I chuckled, it wasn't a proper apology, I've never really liked basketball "totally fine, what then? Football? America football? S-swimming? Golf?" Questioned Derek, I chuckled, he definitely didn't understand how I'd need help with a swimming tryouts. "Lacrosse" I answered, I could see that he was shocked. "I've always loved it, and I finally have the chance to play it... or Just be apart of the team" I added, I am fully aware I could be stuck on the bench. I waited for a response. "Lacrosse" he repeated, I nodded, to my surprise, he laughed. What's so funny? "Lacrosse" he sighed with a smile, he had stopped laughing. "Of course it would be Lacrosse" he Continued, he seemed he found this funny, for some reason.  "ar-are you mad?" I Asked, I was afraid he wouldn't like this, since he hasn't been a fan of Lacrosse at all. "No, no I'm not, now what's the problem?" Dad asked, I thought that'd be obvious "well I have no one to practice with, and even if I did I don't have any gear to practice with" I told, if I do get a part of the team I'd be borrowing the schools property. "Eli, stop worrying, everything will be fine" he assured, he rubbed a line on my back, helping ms relax. "Okay" I breathed, he gave me a squeeze. "I need to go do something, but I'll be back soon, promise" he promised, he ruffled my hair before leaving.

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