-Partners In Crime-

Start from the beginning

"Mr Park! They went that way!" 


Our home was that way. Well it was technically San's but it had practically become my second nature at this point as I was always there anyways. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that it was a quite secluded street with only a few houses so we could easily be caught.

I yelped as San took a sharp turn in the opposite direction.

"Sorry babe."

"I-it's ok don't worry."

We heard the police also take the same turn as us. This time though, they were getting closer. But then I was thankfully struck with an idea.

"San I t-thought of an idea!"

"Go on b-babe."

We were both currently fighting the urge to stop but we had to keep pushing through. After all, I needed to use my idea.

However, I didn't have any coherent words I could form so instead, I managed to run in front of San as he followed me. 

After about a minute and a few more winding turns, we finally reached our destination and checked if any officers had seen us. 

With the coast clear, I pushed my key into the lock and almost cried from joy as the comforting view of my home greeted me. Wasting no more time, I quickly locked the door as me and San both made our way to my sofa and collapsed.

We held hands as we calmed our erratic heartbeats.

It was then that I reminisced about our time together. How it had already been 2 years since we started dating. How it was our second anniversary today. How San took me out once where I got to see him murder someone that insulted me. How that made me intrigued about the feeling of killing. How we killed a man that had been trying to get into my pants today. And how I felt.... deep satisfaction when we killed him. Especially when I was the one who did it. The feeling of the knife piercing through that ugly man's stomach and how blood oozed out of it. The look in his eyes as he stared at me whilst I laughed at how pathetic he looked. And the feeling of actually enjoying it to the point where I didn't really want to stop this. I realised I had changed so much since I had met San but I didn't actually mind it. In fact, we were helping the world by killing the people who deserved it. Obviously we wouldn't kill someone innocent.

The only bad thing was that the police didn't sound too willing about wanting to hear our side of the story this time. 

Before I could think of anything else, I was brought back into reality as I felt San's soft lips against mine.

I smiled into the kiss as San's hand roamed my body, leaving goosebumps everywhere. I never wanted this to end.

Eventually though, we pulled away for air and San put his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much baby. I will never leave you."

I pecked his lips. 

"I love you too babe. And don't worry, I'm forever yours."

And then I gasped when I felt him get on top of me.


San spanked my ass as I let out an involuntary moan.

"It's daddy to you. Especially since you've been such a bad boy~ Now, should we carry on from where we left off baby boy~?"

I blushed but soon smirked.

"Yes daddy. Fuck me until I can't walk~"

San smirked.

"Challenge accepted, kitten~"

I couldn't help but admire how fucking perfect this man was. His body, his personality and how he treated me.

And then he proceeded to make me his again, and each time he did, it would drive crazier for him.

That night, I was absolutely sure that this was the man I wanted to be with. Always and forever.

I love you San. You're my sinful lust.


And that's ittttttt. Thanxx so much for reading I luv u smmm! But yh, go ahead and check my other book out and I will also be making another book after that book. It
 may also have the same vibes as this chapter~

And thanxx for 1k reads!!! 

But anyways, hope u enjoyed and I hope u have a great day/night! <3333333

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