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Warning: Attempted sexual assault.


I stretched my fatigued muscles, hearing them let out a satisfying crack.

Ugh. I hated my shitty job. I worked in some convenience store like 20 minutes away from where I lived and it was basically the worst thing ever. Especially the long hours and my crap boss. He always looked at me weirdly and touched me randomly on my ass and waist. And basically anywhere else he wanted. I only never complained as I had bills to pay and the manager was an asshole too.

Before I could leave that damned store though, my boss called me over. I mentally groaned and shut my eyes in annoyance.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

I faked my best smile and walked over to him as he was counting the money in the register.

"Wooyoung could you come and stand here for a bit? I need to give you this month's salary."

Ah yes. My three day overdue salary.

I nodded and stood beside him, trying to stand as far away from him as possible, but considering the tight space that wasn't really feasible. Out of nowhere, my boss grabbed a few notes of money and pressed his body against my back.

"Sorry I just feel more comfortable like this. I hope you don't mind Wooyoung~"

By now, even my fake smile had dropped and my face was replaced by a half disgusted, half creeped out expression.

My boss then started counting out my salary extremely slowly on purpose and once he was finally done, he slipped it into an envelope. He set the money down and his hands started roaming around my waist. I tried to move but he held me in place. It didn't help that he was physically bigger than me. Even my own athletic body was no match for him.

I tried to squirm some more and hopefully get him off me but that did the complete opposite. Instead, he started groping my ass and thighs. By now, I was actually getting scared. He'd never gone this far before and there were usually a few people around.

This time, it was just him...

And me...


I tried to get his arms off of me but he pushed his body into me even more, further preventing me from moving. My breath hitched as I felt his already hard dick slide in between my clothed ass cheeks.

I started tearing up and stuttering.

"G-get off me you creep!"

By now, I was close to crying.

"Shhhh don't worry Wooyoung you'll love it. I'll make you feel so good~"

Just as he was about to pull my pants down, a rock shot through the window, smashing it into tiny shards. I flinched.


My boss let out a sigh of annoyance and let go of me, not before running his dirty hands over my chest. I bit back a choked sob.

"There's always next time for us babe~"

"F-fuck you."

My boss chuckled and went to check the glass that shattered. Using this to my advantage, I grabbed my money and ran out of the store. Finally, I let my tears out.

I stood there for about two minutes before I decided to start going home.

I had been walking for about ten minutes when I felt a presence behind me. I looked behind me.

... Nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I fastened my pace and looked behind me every thirty seconds.

W-wtf was that?!

I snapped my head around, only to see a male figure clothed in a black hoodie with some kind of pattern of a sun on it and matching black jeans.

I stopped. The dude following me also stopped.


My breath hitched and I was practically sprinting at this point. However, I couldn't hear footsteps behind me. I looked back and sure enough, there was no one there.

Did I imagine that?

No I can't have. I saw him clearly. If only I could see his face though.

I contemplated going to the police station but then again what evidence did I have?

I guess I'll just head home.

Somehow increasing my pace, I ran all the way home. By the time I got to my street, I was panting heavily and had stopped.

And then I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed that San exited his house. I don't even know how I ran up to him in this state but when I did, I couldn't help but throw myself into his arms. 

"S-san I'm sorry b-but it hurts s-so much."

I hiccupped as I choked out the words and held onto him tighter. Thankfully, San didn't question me and held me in his arms, mumbling soothing words into my ears. After a few minutes of me sniffling, he took me into his home once he realised I had calmed down a little.

He sat me on one of his sofas and then came back with a glass of water.

I thanked him and took the glass, taking a few sips that quenched my thirst.

San then sat next to me and rubbed my back comfortingly. I leaned into his touch.

"It's alright Woo. You can talk to me about it whenever you feel comfortable enough."

I nodded and finally made a decision.

"It's ok I'll just t-tell you now."

San looked at me with a small smile and got closer to me.

"Thank you for trusting me Wooyoung."

I took a deep breath.

"M-my boss at work started s-sexually harassing me and then this man started s-stalking me. And I feel so s-scared and I don't want to go there a-anymore."

By the time I finished, I was already crying again. San engulfed me into his arms and I breathed in his scent, finding out that it calmed me tremendously. 

"Shh it's ok Woo. Don't worry I'm here."

Even in my current situation, I couldn't help but blush at the new nickname.


"T-thank you Sannie."

I hugged him tighter and he reciprocated.

"If you want you can sleep here Woo. I think it may help you to have some company."

"A-alright. I promise I'll pay you back"

"No you don't need to. After all, we're friends, right?"

I couldn't help but notice the weird emphasis he put on the word 'friends' but then again, I may have imagined it.

So that's how I ended up going to San's room whilst he was asleep and got into his bed with him. In truth, I decided that I would sleep in his guest bedroom but any time I closed my eyes, I just thought of my boss' disgusting hands all over me. I tried to minimise the noise I made and stared at the ceiling once I wore some of his blanket. But of course, I couldn't help but be tempted by his beautiful sleeping face and traced my fingers over the outlines of his face, careful not to wake him up.

And just like that, I drifted off to sleep...


Hope u enjoyed this chapter!~ <333

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