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".... S-San?!"

San stared at me and started coming down the stairs looking a bit tired and flushed. His hair was slightly ruffled and he was now wearing a new shirt.


I sighed in relief and leaned against his door when I closed it.

"N-nothing. I just- It's just that I was followed again."

San hugged me tightly and rubbed my back. I melted into his comfortingly warm touch.

"But how did you get inside without your keys?"

"Oh I have spare keys."

I nodded and pulled away.

"Do you want to watch something Woo? I think it will take your mind off things."

"If it's ok with you Sannie."

San ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Alright you can go up to my room and get my laptop whilst I get some snacks."

I complied and headed up the stairs, already used to the layout as I had been here so much. I entered his room and saw his laptop settled neatly on the bed. I went over to grab it but stopped once I saw that San's closet's door was left open. I decided I would close it for him so he wouldn't get hurt or something.

Wait what...?

A black hoodie was messily thrown onto the closet's floor. I would have ignored it had I not seen a familiar white pattern.

No it can't be...

I picked the hoodie up, secretly hoping that it wasn't what I thought it was.

Ha. Shit. 

It was the same hoodie my stalker wore so what the fuck was it doing here? I tried to rationalise the situation, still in denial of the fact that San might be my stalker.

Surely he just has the same hoodie as a coincidence. Right? 

I started breathing heavily as I pieced everything together. Now that I thought about it, it all made so much more sense. God, how had I not noticed before? His sometimes weird choice of phrasing and the emphasis he would put on certain words. The hesitance he had when I asked
him how he got to me when I was being followed. The dark look in his eyes.

So it was all... him.

All San.

The person I had grown to love and lust for was my stalker.

But why did I not feel... scared? Or angry? 

Why did I still want him?

Fuck, I still desired him.

This is so wrong Woo, wake up.

But it was as if my heart didn't care, no matter how much my brain tried to convince me. I was still madly in love with him. And that was my reality. I had to accept it. I had to accept getting entwined in his world. And I kind of already did.

I was suddenly brought back from my thoughts by a shout.

"Woo are you ok up there?! Do you need help?!"

"N-no! I-I'm fine!"

I grabbed his laptop after I returned the hoodie how it was before. Taking one last look at it, I walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I took a deep breath and let out a small smile.

"Ah there you are. I thought something happened."

I chuckled.

"No there was n-nothing."

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