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Me and San spent the whole day together after that. Watching movies, talking, laughing, shopping....

It was simple yet so satisfying and my heart couldn't help but flutter at every little thing he did. He was practically wrapping me around his finger and I wasn't complaining either. After all, how could I? He was so utterly perfect it actually made me insecure about myself.

To my demise though, nightfall finally came. I told San that I should be heading home but he stopped me and insisted that I sleep over. I refused but after plenty of insistence from San, I gave in.

And that's how we ended up in the same bed.

Well, not really.

I told San that I would be fine sleeping alone but he told me to sleep next to him so I don't get nightmares. The thing was though, I doubted I would get nightmares with his presence so close to me. In fact, I would probably be burning all night. Yay.

However, to my surprise, I felt sleepy as soon as I entered his bed. Maybe it was his soft bed or his sweet scent but damn it worked wonders.

And just like that, I fell asleep...


I woke up with a light sheen of sweat all over my body and the feeling of arousal clouding my senses.

Not another wet dream of San....

By this point I was panting heavily, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat and not think of anymore sinful thoughts regarding San. Try as I might, it was pretty difficult judging by the fact that his peaceful breaths could be heard next to me.

I sat up carefully and looked at my boner. I bit my lip as I palmed myself through the fabric of the somehow really short shorts San had so kindly given to me. Wanting more contact, I slid my hand into my boxers and had to stifle multiple whimpers by biting onto my other hand.

Not being able to control myself anymore, I precariously tried to leave the bed, only to gasp in surprise at the feeling of my wrist getting pulled back.

I fell back onto the bed and widened my eyes when San got on top of me.

"S-San what a-are y-"

I didn't get to finish as a pair of soft plush lips hushed mine and passionately started waltzing against my own. I moaned into the kiss, liking how San wasn't being so gentle with me anymore, just like in my dreams.

I kissed him back just as eagerly, enjoying how he let out occasional groans.

San broke the kiss and started palming my dick, his own eyes full with desire. 

I sucked in my breath and bit my lip.

"Be loud for me baby~" San whispered into my ear.

I felt like I was going to explode by that alone, forget anything else. I couldn't help but obey him and start moaning.

"Good boy~"

I blushed at the praise and ran my hands through his hair, gently gripping onto it.

"I-I want to relieve myself S-San~"

By this point my eyes were watering from the immense pleasure and impatience.

San looked into my eyes with his beautiful, enchanting ones and suddenly, I saw something change in them.

"Sit up." he commanded.

I couldn't help but feel shocked at his sudden change in behaviour. Nonetheless, I submitted to his command, secretly liking how rough he was being with me.

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