Peter ignored all the sneaky remarks, knowing they just needed some teasing to calm their nerves. He only cared of the fight approaching, and the dragon that sometimes disappeared in between the clouds. He wondered if she was doing that to cover herself from enemies, or to piss him off whenever he couldn't find her and worry to then see her flying calmly. However, she was not thinking about any. She just liked to fly more than she liked to walk, which she had taken into account on the latest years. So, whenever she fled higher, she felt better. She sometimes believed that in another life, she had been a dragon. Edmund joked that she would be a dove in their world. Due to her confusion, he explained that it was a bird, one that often represented purity.

Then they both laughed loudly at that.

"Let's camp here, and attack at the first sign of light." Peter spoke up, knowing that they were all tired, and also that they would do little at night. The north was obviously colder, but also darker. He knew many of them would have no issue, but he would. And how would he be able to command them if he could not see?

"How do we tell her?" One of his men asked, pointing at the sky with his head. Peter simply turned to Lycaon, who howled at the sky. Many snickered, but he payed them no attention as a smirk grew on his lips.

The dragon descended the skies, very slowly as she was enjoying the windy night. She slowly became smaller until she reached the ground, where she stood as herself. Lycaon looked smug, "Like that." Pandora shook her head with a roll of eyes, walking past Lycaon to the tent that was being built for her. Peter stared after her, as she hadn't even glanced in her direction. While everyone moved away from them, Lycaon placed the back of his hand over the King's chest, "Wait until everyone is asleep, at least." The blush was clear under the moon's light, the werewolf's eyes rolling as he chuckled to himself.

Pandora's fingertips caressed the page she was reading, moving it to the side so she could start a new one. Many were writing about the Kings and Queens' many battles and victories that came along. But that also meant that she was mentioned many times over. At one point, she believed to have read her name more times that she had read those of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. But she never spoke of it, as no one spoke about the rumours going about the realm.

Remus, who currently sat around a fire with other knights, sipped from his ale as one of them said, "I'm telling you, he's terrified of her, and her dragon."

Lycaon rolled his eyes, "He is not. Regulus has helped his family many times, and so has she. They are part of his family, of his home." He didn't include himself, but all around did in their heads. The Pevensie siblings had travelled to a world where they knew no one, and had built a family of their own with some of the people of their court. Pandora, Lycaon, Regulus, Sol...

Remus quirked an eyebrow, "Then tell me, brother, why didn't he allow Regulus to come along? Surely a dragon will be of plenty of help." Lycaon did not know how to respond. Partly because he didn't understand either, but also because his brother was questioning a King's decision loudly. Peter was very respected, of course, but he overestimated the folk's patience.

"He hasn't been very smart lately." A knight mumbled, although they all heard. When he noticed all eyes on him, he said, "What? Haven't you noticed? He has been here for long, yes, but he is not from here. Pandora has always helped him understand, but he isn't listening lately."

"Well, you know what they say..." Another one said, Lycaon's head hanging low as he wished not to hear what was coming next.

"What is it?" Someone asked.

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