-Chapter 15 Lotr-

Start from the beginning

Maira and Míriel now leave Dale and move up to Erebor, greeting the guards. She says, "I request an audience with King Dain." The guards nod, knowing who she is, and let her and her companion pass. Maira walks together with her daughter to the throne room. She enters and walks in front of the throne, bowing. She says, "Hail, Lord Dain, King under the Mountain." Dain is surprised to see her here and answers, "Lady Maira? We didn't expect you here." She smiles, "Yes, I didn't think that I would require your hospitality so soon, Lord Dain. But I would kindly request using your forge to make a weapon. I wanted only the best forges to make the weapon." Dain leans back in contemplation. Maira adds, "I would naturally pay you in gold, even if you don't need that, considering where you live." At that, Dain laughs and answers, "Very well; I'll allow you to use our forge as a little payment for your help in the battle." Maira smiles and bows again, saying, "I am most grateful, Lord Dain; may your beard never fall out." Dain laughs and says, "No problem." At that, Maira bows one final time and turns around, walking away, with Míriel trailing behind her. She asks, "how did you convince him so easily to let us use the forge?" Maira smiles and answers, "That happens when you have good relations with people; they let you do stuff easier. And do you know who I am?" Maira looks at her daughter in mock arrogance. Míriel nods fast. Maira smiles and nods. She continues, "I basically smooth-talked every race in Middle-earth, so consider it a bonus of my natural persuasion skills." Míriel nods with sparkling eyes. She greatly admires her mother and sees her as one of the strongest individuals in the world. However, she also knows Eru and understands that Eru is the only one who truly commands her mother's respect. So all the respect she shows to people is mostly not true. She doesn't even respect the Valar. When Míriel asked her why, she said, "I know that the Valar are stronger than I am, yet they don't command my respect. I may have been on Morgoth's side, but they pardoned him even after all he had done. That's not something I can respect with such an evil person." She can understand where her mother is coming from.

They are now walking through the halls of Erebor, heading into the smithy. Maira says, "Okay, then let's start." She looks at her daughter and asks, "Can you give me the materials that I said you would give me?" Míriel instantly nods, not wanting to disappoint. She luckily knows most ores, so that should be no problem. Maira says, "Good, then please bring me-" and like that, they start. They work for one week without a break, taking only short breaks for Míriel to eat. After one week, Maira is done. She hides the weapon every time Míriel wants to look, but now it's finished. Maira calls Míriel to come to her and says, "Okay, we are done," and with that, she pulls out a long package. Míriel's eyes sparkle, and Maira says, "Come on, open it up." Míriel nods eagerly and begins to open the package. Inside, she find a long pole with blades at both ends.

(Just imagine it being silver)

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(Just imagine it being silver)

Míriel gasps, holding it in her hand, she spins it around in her hand and says, "It's beautiful." At that, Maira says, "Of course, I made it." She chuckles, and Míriel smiles. Then she does something that surprises Maira; she lunges at her and hugs her. Maira goes stiff, but then she slowly and awkwardly hugs her daughter back. She smiles.(imagine it somewhat like Haldir and Aragorn)

They separate after a moment. Míriel looks down, saying, "Sorry." Maira smiles and says, "No problem; this just shows me how much you like this gift." They smile at each other and go. Maira bids Dain farewell, and they leave Erebor. Their horses, which they left behind in front of Mirkwood, have found their way to Dale and are waiting for them. They mount and start riding. They ride for some days, and while they are journeying through the land, Maira teaches Míriel every language she knows and the history of Middle-earth, leaving some unfavorable details out. The weapons training also goes better now that Míriel has a weapon to which she has a connection.

Every day that goes by, Maira gets Míriel further under her wing. Something new Maira decides to teach Míriel is magic and black sorcery, for which she surprisingly has a talent. Now, they are resting in a cave because it's raining. Maira remembers the tiny shard of the Silmaril she has and that it fits perfectly into the place in her sword. She pulls it out. Míriel asks, "What's that?" Maira smiles and says, "That, my dear, is a shard of a Silmaril." Míriel's eyes widen, "How did you manage to break a part of it? Didn't you tell me they were indestructible?" Maira smiles and says, "That, is my little secret." In reality, she has no idea how it happened, but Míriel didn't have to know that.

Maira then pulls out her sword and finds the place to insert the Silmaril. She puts it inside, and at first, nothing happens. Then, a bright light begins to shine out of the Silmaril, and Maira has to cover her eyes. This isn't something she would usually need to do, but the light is just so bright. Then a shockwave hits them, so powerful that they are both flung against the wall of the cave. As they both crash, Maira feels her power being drained. The last thing she thinks is, 'this has to be a joke,' before everything goes dark.

 The last thing she thinks is, 'this has to be a joke,' before everything goes dark

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(This is what the sword looks like with the Silmaril look at the hilt)


(This is it with the chapter, yes it is shorter than usual, but I am not the most creative with stretching chapters longer when I have already wrote everything I need. I hope that it is still acceptable and that you come back with the next chapter.)

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