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With the morning came pain and fear but no boy would allow themselves to be left out of this. This was officially the last time they would see her and they needed this. No one could deny they needed this closure.

She was up before any of them and not long followed Chanyeol. He'd stollen Baekhyun's bed once he found him in the pile of men in the living room. Jun Hee's eyes focused on him the entire time. The soft lighting flowing through the window illuminated her face.

He didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't want to leave her with strangers. He knew he was a stranger too but it never felt like it. It always felt meant to be. There had to be a reason she was left on his doorstep. Even if she wasn't his he needed a reason.

"I know I've already said goodbye but today it's real. This morning is our last together.... Jun Hee I had fun being your daddy. Do you feel the same? Do you love me like I love you? Will you be okay when we're gone? Will we be okay when you're gone?" He gently stroked her thick head of hair.

Soft, barely audible, babble spilled from her mouth. A smile started on his face as soon as hers did.

"Y-yah! Stop being so sentimental. You'll make her cry." Baekhyun's voice was strangled and he looked to the ceiling to stop the tears. This was both real and slightly for effect.

A dimple formed in Chanyeol's cheek and he propped himself up on his elbows. "Don't cry.... I want Kris hyung to be the first to cry." He joked sadly.

"Too late Xiumin hyung is already crying over pancakes!" Chen shouted into the room. "It's really ugly too" he said popping his head back into the room. "Hey why didn't you tell us she was awake?"

"Because she's mine!" Chanyeol shouted narrowing his eyes and snuggling up closer to her.

"My daddy senses are tingling!" Someone shouted.

By now it was obvious everyone was up.

Chanyeol wanted to be angry. He wanted to be greedy but he couldn't help but be happy that they were able to take this so lightly. He felt better that they were able to joke around. Maybe losing her wouldn't be quite as hard as he expected. Maybe

Almost every member charged into the room. They were careful of Jun Hee but they brutally attacked the giant in the bed. Xiumin wrestled him to the ground. Meanwhile Lay picked up the little girl and whisked her away from the heap of fighting boys.

"What crazy boys princess."

Her hand instinctively curled around the finger that had been poking her chest. Lay smiled and carefully descended the stairs.

"Do they have to be so loud?" Kyungsoo asked looking over his shoulder.

He had his arms resting across the back of the couch and Kai's head resting in his lap. After his fill of pancakes the younger boy drifted back to sleep in a place that seemed the most convenient. Kyungsoo didn't mind so much but was sure soon enough the weight of his head would make his leg go numb.

"I'm going to finish eating do you wanna feed her?"

"Just bring me what I need."

Lay transferred Jun Hee to Kyungsoo's arms then went to get the things she needed for feeding. A bottle filled with formula and a pink rag for burping.

Kyungsoo teased her with the bottle simply because he liked to see how desperately her mouth chased it. The excitement in her face when she was finally able to suck the milk into her mouth was priceless. When he lifted her to his shoulder to pat her back her feet accidentally hit Kai in the face. He couldn't really be mad though. He stretched his arms and sat up beside his hyung.

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