pt. 2 of 'D' for 'Dickhead.'

Start from the beginning

Robin blushed.

"Would you shut up Kid fuc-"

"Ey ey ey, keep it pg."


Cyborg stepped forward and was about to take off the restraints, but was stopped.

"Hang on a sec, Cy. Can I ask 'im a question?"

"Kf, I swear to god-"


Kid fu- friendly. -said something that was too fast for anyone but Robbie to decipher.

"Yes, of course I do." Robin replied with a "hate"-filled glare.

The brightest green 'TRUTH!' came across the machine, casting the room in a green glow.

Kid flash grinned, with a smile so wide it reached to corners of his eyes, and it was so bright it rivaled the green.

"Well then, that's all I needed, I'll see you later, guys."

The person who had the same initials as a certain chain chicken restaurant then started to undo the restraints on the little modern-day-dinosaur-named-superhero in front of him.

"Uhmmm... dude? I don't think that you want to do that..." the green changling started to hold a hand up in warning.

"Oh, I think it'll be alright- oops!"

When the last restraints holding the boy wonder down were released Robin had suddenly dropped to the floor in a crouch, and reached for his staff to beat the shit out of Kf (-c)'s ankles.

However, you know, because although Robin had insane acrobatic abilities and ×>,%@ , Kf still had super-speed, soo....

Swiftly, and almost looking as though it was a well practiced movement, Kf smoothly picked up the boy wonder and threw him over his right shoulder.

As the shorter boy struggled to free himself, the mini-speedster casually saluted to the Titans, and ran off to a distant rooftop at the edges of jump city and sat his dear down against the wall of the stairwell.

"Dude, did you deliberately run slower today?"

"Well, if I had run over here at the same speed as usual with you over my shoulder, you might've gotten hurt!!"

"Aww- ack!"

Cutting off his boyfriend slightly, Kf peppered his bestfriend's face with kisses.

"Pfft- ha ha ha ha!" The original boy wonder burst into laughter and chuckles that made it feel to Kf that his brain and ears were getting massaged, cleared, surrounded by fluffy clouds, and then dripped in honey.

Smiling widely he continued his ministrations, but deliberately missing R's lips.

"Hey!" Robin laughed, feeling happy and free.

"What?" Kf grinned lazily, drunk on love (❤️).

"Oh for the love of- just c'mere."

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