"I'm sure you'll find a beautiful place, and you'll have all the freedom you wish you can. You'll be okay, Addison, that's the thing about us underdogs, we might have bumpy and extremely rough patches. But the highs are so worth it, " He says, putting my face between his hands.

I smile.

"There we go. There's that beautiful smile. How's about this, we can sit next to each other on the plane and look at houses together. I've had experiences with good and bad rentals, and I can give you tips on what's a good steal." He offers.

I smile, "Thank you, Checo! It means a lot. " I stand back up and hug him. "How did you get so wise?" I joke.

"I have kids. I've been practicing for moments like this since the first one was born." He jokes, grabbing my bags. We walk to where the team who's going on my dads private jet is. It's me, Checo, Max, Christian, Cristian's assistant, and another photographer, Vladimir.

Half an hour later, I was sitting in the plane waiting for take off. I decided this is the person moment to update Toto.

"We're about to take off, so if you don't hear from me, that's why.

I thought I'd better tell you about what happened, so you're not in the dark. Basically, Christian was like, "Did you hear Toto is dating a younger woman?" And then started talking about how said woman had my features. Him and Geri had a bit of a tense moment because she was trying to protect me. Then she took Montague to school, and my dad stuck into me. Said he asked you about it, and you told him you were. Which did you actually do that? And then he said he saw pictures of you I was editing and put two and two together. He then said some shit to me and told me I wasn't his daughter as long as I keep seeing you. Gigi tried helping, but he threatened her. So I threatened him back. And then he said that was the end of this discussion, and we needed to get to the factory, so yeah. But me and Checo are going to check out some places online, and hopefully, I can find a place sooner rather than later."

I sent the message, leaving out the part where Christian hit me. I know Toto, If he knew Christian hit me, he would try to defend me, and I don't need more drama.

I turned off my phone and put it on the table in front of me. There's 3 seats unoccupied by me. Two in front of me and one next to me. It kind of feels lonely.

As if a beacon of hope, Max comes and sits on the far side in front of me. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asks.

"Of course not, please sit," I tell him. A few seconds later, the Mexican man slips into the seat next to me. 

"Promised you we'd look at houses." He tells me I smile.

"What are you two looking at houses for?" Max asks.

I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to tell Max I got kicked out. I open my mouth when I hear Checo say, "She thinks it's time to move out of her parents' place.".

"Yea definitely kid, you're like what twenty-three? It's definitely time for your own place, " Max says.

"You're right." I say.

2.5 hours, 10 saved flats, a lost game of monopoly (max won, shocker), and one maxplained conversation about the track later, we're in Austria. The flight lands, and once we were out of customs and on our way to the hotel, I pulled out my phone to a bunch of deleted messages from Toto. The only one not deleted is the one he sent ten minutes ago.

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