11. He's a monster?

Start from the beginning

"That Tiger Seal of yours," Jin GuangShan smiled, too. "I regretfully didn't get to see it in action during the war."

"Because you were playing both sides," Wei WuXian hissed under his breath.

"I would love to see it in action. Perhaps you can bring it to Phoenix Mountain and give us a demonstration?"

The fake smile was back. "I'm still under Lan Daifu's care. Using Yin energy has damaged my meridians," Wei WuXian boldly lied. "I am banned from using Yin energy until they are completely healed."

"Perhaps another can demonstrate for us? If not... you can at least let us see it? Such a magnificent piece, I'm told. I am so curious about it."

Lan XiChen stepped up, standing in front of the Jin sect leader. "The Tiger Seal is currently missing. It was in the tent at the Nightless City where Xu Daifu treated him. But it was not taken to Cloud Recesses." He's lying. "Jiang ZongZhu... did it come here to Lotus Pier?"

"No." the young sect leader looked confused. "I was under the impression it was with Wei WuXian."

"I don't have it," Wei WuXian lied again. "Maybe it got left behind at the Nightless City?"

Jin GuangShan looked furious. "It wasn't there. We scoured the city for any and all spiritual artifacts. We would have found it."

"Ahh. It's not a spiritual artifact, though, is it?" Wei WuXian bowed slightly. "Jiang ZongZhu, please excuse me. I'm afraid I'm not as well as I look."

"You may leave. My sister has asked that you attend her later if you're feeling up to it."

"I look forward to that," Wei WuXian bowed again, and wended his way through the crowd to the front entrance.

Lan WangJi wasn't sure what had just happened. Politics are too complicated. Why is Jin GuangShan discussing the Tiger Seal? Why did XiongZhang and Wei Ying lie about it's location? What am I missing?

The trial began the next morning, with the DafanWen villagers explaining what happened. After the fourth retelling, Jiang WanYin stopped the trial. "I think we all know what happened from the villagers' point of view. I would like to hear from the Jin side."

Of course, the Jin soldiers had a slightly different slant. The murdered villagers had resisted arrest. The raped women had invited the soldiers and were willing partners. The screams were of joy, not pain. Again, after the fourth soldier, he asked to move on to the next set of witnesses: the GusuLan.

At this rate, the trial will take only a day or two. Lan WangJi gave his honest testimony: he detailed what he saw in the village as well as what happened when he arrived after the bat king attacked the prisoners.

Then it was Wen QiongLin's turn to testify. Then Wen Qing's. Then, lastly, Jin ZiXun. Jiang WanYin stood up. "I will think about what I've heard today, and give my ruling tomorrow."

Jin ZiXun sneered. "Make sure no one tries to sway you to their side."

"Like a bribe?"


Jiang WanYin looked at the DafanWen and sighed. "I don't think I have to worry about being bribed by your accusers. They don't look like they have any money to spare."

Lan WangJi, perhaps for the first time in his political life, heard the rest of Jiang's ZongZhu's statement: 'unlike your uncle'.

Dear readers

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Dear readers.

I am amazed at how many of you are reading this! I've written a few modern day stories that don't have half the engagement. So thank you! (Insert shameless begging for you to read my modern day stories if you haven't already done so.) (Insert shameless begging for you to read ALL of my stories if you haven't already done so. And for those of you who have, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!)

It's a cold rainy-ish day here. And I'm getting over a cold. So I've got a tex-mex inspired chicken soup cooking in the crockpot. It's yummy.... Can hardly wait for dinner to roll around.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for your votes. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

 - Aitch.

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