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Removing my mask and gloves, I came out of the ICU after checking up on the patient who had met with this brutal accident!

God! I'm wondering how he escaped and is still breathing after all these cuts on his face and broken limbs. His right leg was fractured and his elbow was crushed into pieces.  I have encountered a lot of accident cases in these two years of experience but this was a terrible one and to the most, he has lost lots of blood.

I thought he would lose his life but with God's grace he made it. Damn sure it's a medical miracle.

He is still in ICU where he is not able to do anything. Atleast a rest of six months is needed. Meeting all his needs and prescribing few medicines I referred him an Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr. Shin.

Heaving a heavy sigh I entered my cabin to find a pile of papers waiting to be signed. Being a chief General Surgeon is not an easy job. Everything comes to me before any further proceedings. I have to do it and this is my passion.

After cleaning myself, I started singing and finally it was my time to leave, which I dread the most.

I'm once again going home after a long time. But I'm not that happy but a little rest can be assured to bring out the best in a person.

I called my assistant, Steven who had made all the arrangements for me to leave the country.

I was born and brought up in the United States and have done my graduation in medicine in Norway and now I'm working in South Korea. I just passed the test to know the basics of Korean and now I'm here as a doctor serving people who are in need.

It's not that the US didn't have any hospitals it's just I have always had this country on my bucket list to visit.

With a little hard work and effort I got a chance to work here and I didn't want to lose the opportunity.

But why South Korea on my bucket list? Just two reasons.

1. BTS - Bangtan Sonyeondan
2. Food - especially the spicy one🍜

And that's how I'm here now!!

Packing my stuff from the hospital and clearing all my schedule for a month, I left for my room here in Korea to pack for my vacation or just a formal visit to the family.

I met with my friend, Kenzie who is a Neuro Surgeon. We have always been together from the day I knew her. We practically grew up together and did everything. We planned to go home together. She is my best friend moreover like a sister.

We packed, left and checked into the Incheon Airport waiting for our flight. Having a coffee and a sandwich I felt full. After waiting for a few minutes, we boarded our flight and settled in our seats. Opening my favourite book, Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS I dreamt of meeting them until my flight landed in Colorado!

With a little hope that everything will be okay back home.

With a little hope!


Hey Readers Armies 😍😍

Thank you all for checking this work out ❣️

Hope you all like the first chapter.

Crizyel 😘

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