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Abruptly, a new presence permeated the dimension, stirring an intense, unexplained rage within Issei. The ongoing battle ceased as all attention shifted towards this mysterious arrival.

Issei's gaze shifted to Siegfried and Pluto, anticipating relief from the newcomer. However, Siegfried's expression betrayed doubt, and Pluto's masked face concealed any readable emotions.

Within Issei's mind, thoughts swirled, questioning the unfamiliar presence. "Unaware of the newcomer? Does this imply a potential intruder?" he contemplated, seeking answers amidst the unfolding uncertainty.

A rift tore open in the sky, capturing the collective gaze of everyone present. From this rift emerged a man with long brown hair.

Shalba, with a menacing glare, addressed both Vali and Issei, declaring, "It's been a while, Red Dragon Emperor and Vali."

Narrowing his eyes, Azazel identified the intruder, stating, "Shalba Beelzebub. The leader of the Old Satan faction." His words hung in the air, adding a layer of tension to the already-charged atmosphere.


Name: Shalba Beelzebub

Race: Devil

Affiliation: Khaos Brigade (Old Satan Faction)

Rank: Leader (Old Satan Faction)

Relationship: None

Type: Caster (Sorcerer)


Vitality: 70

Strength: 60

Agility: 80

Intelligence: 90

Senses: 70

Dexterity: 80

Luck: 50

Overall Power Level: 71

Abilities: Magic (Defensive, Teleportation, Summoning), King of Flies

Gear: None


Issei gazed mockingly at Vali. "So that effeminate Devil survived my Juggernaut Drive?" he taunted, eliciting a chuckle from Vali.

Siegfried, with a hint of curiosity, inquired, "Shalba. I did receive a report, but I never thought you were acting by yourself."

Shalba descended between the two opposing groups. "Hey Siegfried, I certainly did get lots of assistance from you people. You have my gratitude. Thanks to that, my wounds have healed. Though I did lose Ophis's snake, and my powers are lower than before," he replied.

Siegfried, suspicion evident in his tone, asked, "And the reason for you to come here is?"

"Nothing much. I thought I would declare war on you," Shalba declared with confidence, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

As he revealed what he hid under his coat, a boy emerged. The shadows in his eyes hinted at his being controlled by Shalba.

Siegfried, horrified, shouted, "Leonardo!" catching the attention of Georg, concealed in the mist.


Name: Leonardo

Race: Human

Affiliation: Khaos Brigade (Hero Faction)

Rank: Unknown

Relationship: None

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