Manly things? (68)

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"I told her to do it"

"Mom what are you saying .... How can you......"

"I told her to uhmm you ...maybe this way you can finally know your feelings towards her" his mom said hesitantly

"Was she trying to seduce me ? this ? , are you for real ...I can't believe my sense organs" said jungkook

"What else Was I supposed to do then ?... You don't know any other girl except her .... You both were friends in high school and the most important thing is that she likes you ... " Said Jungkook's mom interrupting him

"So what ?...does it mean that I like her too ?" Said jungkook getting annoyed

"Don't you remember when you told me that you liked ji-ah" she said and jungkook sighed in disbelief

"Yes I liked her but not that way.... She was the only friend I had that's why I told you that I her but just as a friend .... And moreover I was too young back then" said jungkook explaining

"I don't know anything ...I just want a daughter in law" said jungkook's mom stomping her feet and jungkook couldn't stop himself from chuckling

"Sorry mom but you can't have a daughter in law" said jungkook and the other three of them looked at him shockingly

"Son , come with me .." said jungkook's father and took him to a corner

"What's the matter dad ?" Jungkook asked

"You have any problem ?.... Tell me ... Don't be shy " said jungkook's father almost whispering

"Problem ? ?...what kind of problem ?." Asked jungkook getting confused

"Oh God...I never knew that my son would become so shy that he won't be able to share his personal problems with his father too" said jungkook's father

"Dad what are you talking about " asked jungkook getting irritated

"You know that technology have gotten advanced now ... They can treat any problem .... Manly problems I mean" said jungkook's father

"Manly problems ?.... What is t.......SHIT ...DAD WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ....OMFG ..... DAD I'M PERFECTLY FINE" said jungkook almost yelling fisting his own hairs as he understood what his father meant

"Don't yell , you idiot ... Two ladies are here" said jungkook's father and smacked his head

"What are you both whispering about huh and why is this yelling now ?" Asked jungkook's mom

"N..nothing...I just had some doubts but I think he's too shy to tell me" said jungkook's father again irritating him

"Dad please .... It's nothing body parts are absolutely fine... I'm able to do those things"

"I'm dying to do it but that kitten is not ready otherwise I would've given you the proof that how i do the manly things and my thing is fine as hell.... He would've been limping by now if I had given a chance for once" thought jungkook in mind and couldn't stop himself from smirking

"Then why are you not ready to accept her huh .... Accept your feelings or at least give it a chance" said jungkook's dad

"I can't ...I can't ... because I already have someone I like the most...I love that person and I don't even want to think about anyone else it disgusts me" said jungkook pouring his feelings and his parents went 😤😡👈 this to 👉😲😍😺

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