Disappointment (25)

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"jungkook please open the door.... we're all worried for him....please come out .... he'll be fine ....wh..why don't we pray for his well being hmm ...open the door please"

Jungkook had locked himself in his room and wasn't coming out or responding to anyone calling for him it made the staff worried

Jungkook's pov

I never thought even in my dreams that I'll get to this point .... that I'll torture him to this point that he'd try to end his own life
...I...I'm a murderer ....it's my fault ....I should have been the one to die.....he should have punished me instead ....why ...why he took his own life.....I don't want him to die .....what ....what if he...................

No ...no he can't ...he can't die ....I'll take any kind of punishment ...I'll confess everything ...I will

Jungkook couldn't stand it when he saw yoongi lying unconscious drenched in blood....he almost fell but gathering himself he ran to his room and started throwing up ...coming out he sat on the floor locking his door from the inside while his room was still a mess since the last night ....cursing himself he again hurt his already wounded hand while the staff was calling him continuously to open his door

Meanwhile in hospital

"Someone sexually harassed him and we don't even had any clue....what the hell were we doing" yelled Jin gritting his teeth

"Who got guts to do this to yoongi hyung ....why he didn't tell us ..... Why was he enduring all of this shit alone" said hobi sobbing

" I'm going back ....I'm gonna find that bastard and kill him.." said Jin aggressively but namjoon stoped him

"Not yet hyung .... Let yoongi hyung recover first .... We can't ...we can't let anyone know about this" said namjoon

"What do you mean by that ....do you want us to keep our mouth shut even after this and let it go" yelled hobi

"What the hell are you saying hobaa ....how could you even think that I won't do anything after this .....we don't know yet who this person is ..if we let this news out that person will get alert and what if tried to do something else what if he ran away" said namjoon being serious

"I will break that bastard's legs .....I will cut him into pieces" said vmin

"Let's first pray for yoongi hyung" said hobi and they prayed together

Night falls and doctor came ....all of them looked at doctor with so much hope

"Don't worry ....Mr.min have just regained his consciousness ..... you guys can meet him One by one" said doctor smiling and they all sighed heavily while namjoon got overwhelmed and burst into tears .....hobi hugs namjoon and patted his back soon rest of them joined the hug

"Namjoon hyung, do you want to go first to see him?" Asked jimin smiling

"No , I might cry again and it'll make him uncomfortable.....let Jin hyung go first " said namjoon sniffing and Jin went to the room

When Jin entered the room he saw yoongi lying there staring at the ceiling he slowly approached him and called his name with a cracking voice ....hearing Jin's voice yoongi turned his head to the other side which made Jin guilty

"Yoongi are ....are you mad at me?" Asked Jin taking yoongi's hand in his own hand but got no response

"I'm sorry...I slapped you ...is ...is this why you don't want ...want to look at me
.....I didn't mean to hurt you bub" said Jin while tears escaped his eyes

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