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"yoongi keep trying...don't give up okay" said sam and yoongi pouted but suddenly he had to back away as sam touched his lips

"ohh i'm sorry ... uh.... it's just I found something on your lips" said sam as he noticed that yoongi got panic

on the other hand someone noticed it and boiled in anger


we all were practicing hard but as usual our so-called vocal teacher was busy flirting with my kitten I couldn't do anything as I knew that no one will believe me no matter what

I tried hard to ignore it but he crossed all his limits.... he put his index finger on my kitten's lips and he backed away suddenly getting panic

"that bish literally made him uncomfortable by doing this shit....how dare he touch my baby....I knew there's definitely something hidden behind that creepy smile of his" I thought in my mind

he apologised for what he did but yoongi-hyung didn't seem like getting back to his normal self .. he was just being so goofy today and that bastard ruined it all

soon I noticed that it wasn't just me who was angry for what he did but jimin and tae hyung both were mad too they were glaring at him throughout the whole time

we practiced for 5hours and then called it a day as we had an interview next day and to prepare for that we stopped practicing

we went to our rooms to change our clothes but yoongi-hyung went to his studio saying he had to bring something from there


"yoongi wait, are you mad at me? ...it was....I ...I had no intention it just happened....I couldn't restrain myself from touching your lips" said Sam blocking yoongi's way to studio

"wha...what do you mean?" asked yoongi anxiously

"uhmm I ...I think ....I ...I have feelings for you" said Sam getting shy and yoongi almost chocked on his saliva

"no ...no need to panic . ....you can think about it and answer me ....i'll wait for your answer" said sam and caressed yoongi's cheek making him uncomfortable by his touch again

yoongi had no option but to shrug his hand away

"I....I want to go to my studio....ste...step aside please" said yoongi and didn't wait for sam to step aside but pushed him aside and ran towards his studio

"owww..sorry for scaring you baby....i'm trying since so many years to get you but you're just not ready to accept me more than a friend....I'll wait for your answer but your answer should be "YES" thought Sam and smirked like a psycho



what the hell I just heard ?

he likes me?

he got feelings for me ?

what what should I do ?

what will I say ?

I don't have any kind of romantic feelings for him

what am I supposed to do now

I don't even like him it's just that we know each other and he's always trying to force his friendship on me

"wait .....calm down min-yoongi .....relax..... you got no feelings for him so that means "NO" that's it....just tell him that you don't like him that way hmmm... that's it" I thought in my mind ...I didn't even want to think about it

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