Chapter 97

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The harsh February sun illuminated the hordes of students and parents reuniting for the half term. The square outside the front of the school was packed with cars and taxis, surrounded by people to the point that moving an inch would run over at least three families. Even Wednesday, who usually commanded a small space around her, was uncomfortably crammed in by the crowd and jostled by parents waving at their offspring and Year Sevens dashing around like crazed toddlers.

She and Enid were making their way over to where Lurch stood like a flagpole, dour expression casting a shadow over the Addams' car. Finally the crowd thinned out enough that they could walk a bit faster, and they made it to the ancient-looking vehicle only mildly considering leaving civilisation altogether for a life of schoolchild- and parent-free solitude.

Lurch glared suspiciously at Enid. "Mother and Father agreed that she can stay." Now the suspicion was upon Wednesday, who returned the stare with added threat until Lurch gave up and opened the door for them both. Once in the front seat, he grumbled and looked back at the pair, and the message was quite clear: 'Upon your head be it.'. Luckily, Wednesday's head was already filled with excuses and deception enough to house an army in the Addams mansion.

The journey was fairly uneventful, with a CD of Rachmaninov (Lurch, having particularly large hands, preferred to play his music as a slight challenge) to serenade the transition from evergreen Nevermore forest to purple heaths to crop fields and fallow meadows and farmland filled with sheep, cows, pigs, and horses to the deciduous forest that surrounded the Addams house for miles.

At last, the car stopped on the gravel in front of the house. Wednesday took Enid's hand and stepped out of the car, Lurch closing the door after them, and surveyed the imposing building, and the family that stood by the door.

(Thank you for reading 😄! As soon as possible I will begin the next consecutive book, 'Wenclair - a Haunted Half Term'. If you are able to comment, here is a question: in the next book, should I start from chapter 1 or chapter 98, or put both in the title of each chapter?)

Wenclair - a New Term at NevermoreWhere stories live. Discover now