Chapter 15

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One of the keys to life is successful navigation of trust and its placement. Wednesday very rarely entrusted her thoughts and feelings to people she knew; Thing, perhaps, was the closest to her heart, but in any case, was kept at a healthy distance of several metres. Thoughts and feelings were much better bouncing around in only one head, undiluted by their confidence to other people – although, they occasionally became distracting.

When the thoughts and feelings, unbetrayed to the general populace, became clamorous and unruly, Wednesday preferred to divert her attention to other activities, such as fencing or investigation. Unluckily there had been no such detective opportunities so far this term, but on the other hand, the first round of the fencing tournament was today – a frosty Saturday with a formidable grey sky.

Yet another day could Wednesday stall having to confide in Enid any thoughts or feelings, somehow desperate to be entrusted to another person, despite years of training otherwise.

Wednesday stepped once again into the hall at exactly 10:30am, door swinging closed behind her as the bell blared out. Every time she set foot in fencing class an air of menace was added to the proceedings – as it should be. The teacher stood up from his desk and began to announce who would fence with each other.

"Ajax against Yoko. Divina against Fred. Bianca against Xavier. Wednesday against Laura. Enid against Harvey. Cameron ..."

The announcements continued in a low background drone, with pairs beginning to move amongst the crowd, seeking each other out. Wednesday stood on her tiptoes to cast her gaze over the crowd, seeking out the very average werewolf that was Laura. Long brown hair, medium height, smallish brown eyes covered by glasses, and no particular social standing aside from a gaggle of giggly friends. In contrast to this absolute plainness, Wednesday found her traitorous eyes seeking out Enid – bouncy colourful bobbed hair and sparkling blue eyes somewhat dulled by her boilerplate boy opponent: unbrushed hair, arrogant smirk, and general atmosphere of teenage idiocy. Enid's mildly disgusted expression made Wednesday's eyebrows furrow just slightly.

A whistle piercing the air interrupted both Wednesday's thoughts and the humdrum conversation that filled the room.

"Fencers, have you found your partners? Put your helmets on, and let the tournament begin!"

(Sorry for short chapter but I know literally nothing about the mechanics of fencing, and therefore writing about it would not turn out well!)

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