Chapter 59

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Miss Nicolas separated from the two girls at the queue, leaving Wednesday and Enid to fill up their trays. This evening it was one of Enid's favourites: pasta, with Eton mess for pudding. They took a seat together in the sort of Year 11 group they had formed - without Bianca, reprobates amongst castaway peers, representing only really the Nightshades with some extras. It was no surprise to Enid when Wednesday tipped all of her serving of pasta onto Enid's plate and stole her garlic bread, a mutual agreement having been formed between the two that since Wednesday did not like pasta and Enid did not like garlic, this arrangement was simply convenient.

Yoko subtly raised an eyebrow at Enid, but refrained from speech. For once it was Wednesday that broke the silence after finishing the first slice of bread. "I'm just going to go and speak to Miss Nicolas."

"No, Wednesday, I really don't mind she gave me detention -", attempted Enid, but Wednesday was already gone.

"So are you girlfriends or what?", asked Divina, who - surprisingly for her - had been observing. Divina was normally one to cut in first and think later.

"I dunno - should I ask Wednesday on another date?"

"To a graveyard.", interjected Yoko.

"Y'know Yoko, you really are a brick."


"Dry, humourless, and painful."

"Ouch.", added Xavier from across the table. Then, "Agh!" Wednesday had, as she returned to her seat, hit him in the back of the head.

"Nice to hear you expand your vocabulary, Thorpe.", commented Wednesday, before turning to Enid. "Miss Nicolas has excused you from detention."

It was odd. Looking over at the teacher, she was still throwing their table a regular accusatory glance, every ten seconds or so. Nothing to suggest that she had forgiven Enid of her misdeeds.

Petty arguments and general chatter occupied the rest of the meal, but Enid's internal dialogue never stopped barrelling like a cross-country train through options, opportunities, times, manners, places, et cetera. Twice she gathered her courage and opened her mouth to address Wednesday but was interrupted the first time by a funny quip by Kent and the second time by a scream.

All eyes descended on the teachers' table. Miss Nicolas was bright red in the face and clutching at her throat and mouth, with the sudden blanket of silence allowing her thin, wheezing breaths to be heard. The teacher on her left was patting her on the back as if treating choking, but the one on her right shouted, "EpiPen!" and dashed out of the hall, leaving other teachers to start to chivvy students out of the door. Many complained, having not finished their dinners, but this notwithstanding the room began to empty until all the students were back in their dormitories.

The massive window in Enid and Wednesday's dormitory gave them an excellent view of the driveway, and although paramedics did not arrive, the coroner didn't either, and finally after ten minutes the school minibus departed as it had done when Enid broke her arm. At last she felt like she could breathe again, but this privilege was once again denied when she turned her head to look at Wednesday.

"Did you poison Miss Nicolas because she gave me detention?"

"Not to die. Just to forget." From her blazer pocket Wednesday produced two items - a tiny empty glass bottle bearing on its lid the Addams Family coat of arms and meticulously labelled with, 'Poison. Peanut Powder.' The second was an orange-lidded EpiPen. "And not just because she gave you detention. I detest the woman."

"Oh. Right."

"Since dinner ended early, I am going to write for one hour and ten minutes today."

"Okay.... hey, d'you -"

"Be quiet."

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