Chapter 75

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Enid couldn't wait.

The Nightshades and their three honourary members had arrived back to school just after supper ended - so technically normal club meetings would be invalid at this time - but since the Nightshades had operated differently since inception, with a greater goal than merely schoolwide efforts, these sorts of trivial technicalities did not apply to them. It was actually rather funny the odd meeting timings recorded in the minutes book: they happened at 3AM far more often than one would expect. So although it was almost midnight, the group had convened in the library for Enid's initiation.

Nervous, Enid stood formally in the centre of the room in front of Divina, who was reading from the first page of an ancient-looking book. "I'm meant to make you repeat this after me, but we're all tired and it's Monday tomorrow so could you just read it out loud?" All of a sudden Divina dumped the hefty volume into Enid's arm, and Enid attempted to discern the curling script.

"I pledge to follow in the footsteps of Thou-Shalt-Do-No-Good-To-Thine-Enemies Addams. I pledge to defend the outcasts of Jericho with my... with my life. I pledge to defend the knowledge in the library of the Nightshades with my being. I pledge to defend the intention of the Nightshades with my soul. I pledge to carry the secrets of the Nightshades to the grave. I pledge undying loyalty to the outcasts of Jericho and to the Nightshades, to the very bitterest end."

"Alrighty!", said Divina, taking the book from Enid and replacing it with a folded-up robe, a decorated mask, and a sheaf of paper. "There you've got your uniform, some forms to fill in, and the introduction leaflet. Lovely to camp with you all, lovely to have Enid join us, lovely to get to bed and sleep! Meeting adjourned. Can I have those forms filled in by next Sunday, please?"

Soon enough it was just Wednesday and Enid, trailing slowly behind everybody else on the way back to their dormitories. 

"So... whatever that was, that was Goody's actual full name?", asked Enid, intrigued.

"Yes. No better than Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer."

"Who? Actually, it doesn't matter. Wait, do you have a full name?"

"Not in the same way." Wednesday was being evasive; Enid was sure of it.

"Do you have a middle name?"

A pause. "Yes."

"What is it? What is it? You've got to tell me!"

"Friday.", replied Wednesday stiffly.

"No, tell me now!", whined Enid, almost tripping over her own feet from hopping around giddily.

"That is the name."

"No way! Wednesday Friday Addams! Wait, wait, wait..."

"What is it?"

Bursting into giggles, Enid squeaked, "Friday I'm in Love!"

"I... misunderstand."

"It's a song."


"I'll play it to you-"

"I appreciate the sentiment, but no."


[Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer is a character from Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, which is an incredible book: it is funny, well structured and cleverly plays with words and biblical ideas to create a tense and thrilling comedy. It is also a series on BBC iPlayer, which is great because it hardly deviates from the actual book, and an audiobook on Audible. Please read/watch/listen to it because it will improve your life. Sorry for tangent. 🙂]


Despite her words at the end of the meeting, Divina could not get to sleep. It was a blessing and a curse that Yoko had temporarily moved dormitories; she was nice to speak to, and warded off loneliness, but it felt as though she had usurped Bianca's position, even if all she had done was sleep in the bed Bianca had left behind, and walk in her footsteps, and sit in her place.

There was no way to get Bianca to come back earlier. So Divina lay quite still on her bed, eyes trained on the clock that showed one minute to midnight, reconciled to the fact that there was nothing to do but


Tick, tick, tick.


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