Chapter 47

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In three nights, it would be a full moon. Wednesday could tell by looking at it. It gave a fair amount of light to the girls as they navigated back to school from Jericho. The darkness was almost mesmerising, as was the mystery contained withing the forest that surrounded the little-travelled road, so they only spoke once, initiated by Enid.

"Wednesday, was this a date?"

"If you would like it to have been, then yes."

It was simply the energy that issued from the person on Wednesday's left that told her she was smiling from ear to ear. The thought made Wednesday a little bit happy, but the sight, upon turning her head, made her break from a smirk into a real beam, such that she had not expressed in years. The closest, perhaps, her face had been to this recently was last term when Uncle Fester had made a very useful surprise appearance. He was currently somewhere overseas searching for a fun heist to partake in.

Ophelia Hall was quiet by 19:48 when they got back, and in the dormitory, Enid collapsed onto her bed and pulled out her phone. Wednesday looked over to her cello but decided instead to examine the post that had arrived from Grandmama. Grandmama was very quick - never missed a trick. The brown paper concealed swathes of fabric. There was white and cream silk, and grey organza, and bolts of black and white and pink intricate lace, and a spool of green embroidery thread, and small boxes of shiny black and green beads.


Just as Wednesday had finished stashing the materials away in her wardrobe, Enid exclaimed.

"Oh! I just realised! We totally missed supper! That's why I'm hungry." Seemingly unrelated to the comment, Enid disappeared into the bathroom.

Mentally chastising herself for the oversight, Wednesday called out quietly, "Thing?" The hand appeared from underneath her bed. "Get some food from the kitchen." He nodded and left, and Wednesday got back to sorting her project, tucking her sketches from Carnivorous Plants next to her new fabric and trimmings. After ten minutes her roommate reappeared wearing tie-dyed pyjamas and mismatched slippers, one shaped like a chicken and one shaped like a rabbit.

The two remained in an amicable silence until Thing returned to the room dragging a paper bag.

"Thing!", cried Enid. "I've been missing you!"

Wednesday looked into the bag: two bagels, two apples, and a packet of crisps.

"This is all you could get?", she asked Thing angrily. He scuttled abashedly away into the shadows in the corner, and Wednesday made the best of the situation. A sharp knife was selected from a drawer and she cut the bagels in half and spread them with the honey from Eugene, which Enid had tactfully not accepted, stating that she had no bread and that her brother was allergic. She sliced the apples and spread the food out onto a plate (having brought one to Nevermore under the assumption that a full dinner setting could not go amiss amongst such a void of proper culture).

"Enid? Supper." Enid's hair bounced as she looked up from her phone, and upon setting eyes upon the plate now placed on her bedside table, smiled and blushed across her whole face.

"Ohmygosh Wednesday, thank you so much!" She took a bite of bagel. "You not having any?"

"No thank you." Wednesday turned away and continued drafting sketches, but none turned out as well as the two she had drawn earlier, and so she settled with those.

" Wednesday turned away and continued drafting sketches, but none turned out as well as the two she had drawn earlier, and so she settled with those

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