━ 006. Sinful Cinderella by Anita Valle

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Title: Sinful Cinderella (Dark Fairy Tale Queens Book 1)

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Title: Sinful Cinderella (Dark Fairy Tale Queens Book 1)

Author: AnitaValle

Grade: 97% A

Grade: 97% A

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I'm going to start out by saying that I had more fun reading this than I have with any book in a very long time. I read this book in its entirety in the span of a few hours before promptly heading to Amazon to put the rest of the series in my cart, only to remember that I am broke and put them on a wishlist instead. (I did get a paperback of Sinful Cinderella for my birthday, so I at least have one so far.)

It's certainly one of the shorter novellas I've read, but the pacing isn't weird at all—not too fast and packed with more plot than it can fit, not too slow and rushed at the end. It feels like the Goldilocks zone for me. The protagonist, who is certainly more villain than heroine, is compelling and just generally very fun to read about. She's evil and relishes in it, and she's determined and works extremely hard to get what she wants.

I'll start with the cover. It's beautiful. I can't believe the author herself designed the Dark Fairy Tale Queens covers, because... just wow. They are stunning (and even more so in person). Even though the font placements are a little squished the fonts used are visually pleasing and get the point across. I think the Sinful Cinderella one is probably my favorite, frankly, and having read the whole novel it makes me feel just a little devilish knowing precisely what scene the cover portrays.

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