━ 005. Not all Blondes do Backflips by CrayonChomper

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Title: Not all Blondes do Backflips

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Title: Not all Blondes do Backflips

Author: CrayonChomper

Grade: 94% A

Grade: 94% A

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This book is amazing. I can come up with complaints, and I will, but I absolutely need to lead with this book is fantastic and you should go read it because it is and you should. I didn't sit down to write this until reading it all the way through, and I was HEARTBROKEN because it was last updated in 2014 and will probably never be finished. No, this doesn't diminish its worth in the slightest. Not All Blondes Do Backflips wrenched my heart out, tugged at my soul, and made me laugh hysterically all in one go.

Thankfully, the author is—or was—very good at neatly closing chapters, so the ending of the last chapter isn't the most tragic ending to an unfinished book that you'll ever read. It's not the most satisfying conclusion, but it's satisfying enough—it's right at the part where the character arcs are coming to their end and the girl has just gotten the guy. It's missing some falling action, there was one last personal revelation the protagonist will never make, and some plot setup will never be unfolded, but I left content enough to move on with my life.

Let's start with the bad and get it over with. The bad:

The description kind of sucks. Swear words, of which there are a LOT, are censored weirdly, which makes it distracting to read at first, but you get used to it eventually. There are typos and mistakes occasionally; it's not an edited book (this is where most of the points I've taken off come from). Some of the (very fun and intriguing!) side characters probably deserved more pagetime. It's a relatively generic chicklit plot with your average drama, but to its credit, it does always put clever twists on overused tropes. Some people might be turned off by the protagonist, who is immensely unlikable at face value. She's rather over-the-top, and some readers may get sick of her savage dialogue and overly snarky narration midway through. (I, for one, did not have any problems with her, so it probably depends on how much sarcasm and vulgarity you're used to in your everyday life.)

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