Chapter 23 City Of Death

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Reika awoke with a gasp. The images lifted like a veil.

She was back in the Mother reality. Creators voice saturated her being. "Break the Wires in the name of Jesus Christ."

She sat up in the puddle of blood. Something in her mind and heart had altered. The bondage of the mental chains from Grain had been eradicated.

Death curled in the atmosphere as she got on one knee and than the other and soon was upright on the metal platform in the center of the big pointy structures.

The Wires did not control her anymore, she was free... Without a second to waste, the Spirit of Creator guided her as she abandoned her place of "death" and walked unharmed through the bouncing miniaturized fireworks.

Reika took in the overhanging sky of doom as she peeked around the backside of a dirty building. 

A still but inexplicable voice flowed through her being.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your steps."

She had no need to ask who "He" was anymore, He had met with her, the Creator and source of all life. She took a long strategic ride on her legs through the ghost city.

A burst of weeping, racking from the interior of one boxy establishment caused her to enter the building. It had a soft purple interior with long silver rods running along the walls. 

"Save me!"  Reika followed the woman's frantic squeals, ending up in front of a shut door at the end of a yellow bulb lit hallway. "Help!"

"Go in." Creator uttered it compassionately into her being.

The cage-like room was coal black with unseen demonic presences cowering from the spiritual light that had invaded their territory. Her heart was shaking as the frenzied person sprung up from the corner and threw themselves at her. It was almost as if Reika could hear the raucous laughter of evil itself cheering on the insane individual.

They grappled on the floor. The possessed woman flung herself off and on her as if battling with her last sliver of goodness. "Make me! Make meeeee!" The lady's short hair bobbled as she threw her delicate body back, screeching animalisticly.

"Make you what?" Reika didn't yell but she didn't sound happy as a lark either, because in the moment she was pinned to the frozen tile by a freaky human.

The woman's blue eyes glowed with the epitome of darkness. "Make me spare you." Refusing to show the fear radiating from her body she rolled her eyes at the sinister words. Someone a head taller than the average human appeared in the doorway and spoke with calm authority.

"Release this soul in the name of Yeshua Hameshiech and leave her be from now on you foul spirits." She broke free from the lunatics grasp as the disheveled lady howled and bowed, her head meeting the floor. The worldly entities fled.

Conall helped his sister shakily stand. "That was-." Reika stumbled over her words, not able to describe the emotions that persisted with the bundle of new events that had taken place. 

"Insane? Yeah I know, trust me I've been all over this shucky place and there's worse going on." He stopped short his snickering and sighed, laying his hands on the woman's head. "Mighty Creator, I ask that You fill this being with Your Holy spirit and break every wire that isn't from You, in the name of Yeshua Hameshiech." 

The lady's build tremored as she wept. As Reika witnessed this something in her snapped, understanding formed. God was here and working in and through them, that was what He meant when He talked to her about being a Flame. A gush of human cries caked the city and Conall looked up at her.

"You ready to fight sis?"  

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I think so."

He left the woman still sobbing on the floor and rose to his full height of at least 6:1. "Either you're ready or you're not, which are you? Cold or hot?" 

"Ready, I'm ready." Reika answered with all her heart.

Conall dusted his thick clothing and somberly moved to the door, calling over his shoulder. 

"Lets go join the Kin, they're in the Graves."

"Why're they there?" She asked.

"Cause there's a battle going down, they wouldn't be if there wasn't."

Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 

(Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, and Hameshiech means Messiah or Christ)

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