Chapter 13 Psycho Death/Seed

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The wind whipped her unbraided hair in all directions, her lungs burned and her throat throbbed. 

Did the plan and loophole in her malfunction work?
Like gazelle's, Conall and her jumped a waterless ditch concurrently.
She somehow felt lighter, but still powerless.
"Reika, stop!"
She stumbled forward, kicking up loose dirt as she slid.

Nature was cheerful at their audacious getaway. Birds fled into the forest ahead.
He peeked over his shoulder at Grains massive center building. They weren't far enough away for comfort.

"My blocks been removed, I know what to do."  She faced him monitoring his internal gauge to her cold tone. His emotions were stable, or erased. Only part of her block had been opened, but he didn't need to know that.

"Whatever sis." 

He took the lead as they crossed over into a semi dense tree line. Pine needles were strewn in layers on the rich soil and streams of light poured in and over the greenery of the young and ancient viridescent trees.
Reika was stinging with agitation and her heart was like an empty bowl.
Everything felt like an anomaly. 
Branches farther out snapped and birds let out high yelps as a physically fit person wearing a yellow top, zigzagged towards them.
It was Eleazar 
Their indifferent eyes latched momentarily as Conall and her yeeted over small undergrowth's. 

Thunk. A black dagger like a shooting star lit past Eleazar and sunk into Conall's neck.
Reika reeled to a stop, pain darting up her legs. A few feet ahead of her he swaggered.

 She backed up, air stuck in her chest.

His legs gave out under him. His lanky athletic figure, dropped noiselessly to the pine needles.

Her eyes fluttered to Eleazar's cunning stare. The forest life resumed their chipper calls.
"Are we in the Graves?" Her voice gave the idea she was on the brink of insanity.

Anyone would be a maniac if the single emotion they had was anger.

He approached her, stepping over Conall's lifeless form, lacking the decency to go around. A sickness like she had never known slithered around in her gut. Grain wouldn't kill their own trainee would they? 
The pool of blood dyed the cushion of pine needles a dark red, dripping from the gaping meaty slice. It had halfway incapacitated his head. His murder had been swift and painless. Who had thrown the dagger?
"It's no use staring Grainy, it'll just make the memory worse."
Eleazar spoke compassionately, but she realized that had been the part Grain had chosen him to play.
She broke her gaze off of her brother's plethoric body, her hands clenched with disdain for Eleazar.

"Answer me or to hell with you! ARE WE in the Graves?"

Birds chirped and flapped away, swaying the smaller branches in their flight.
Her younger brother ran a hand through his disheveled blue hair.

"No. we're not in the Freestyles. We need ta head out, Garrett is waiting."
She stood her ground.
"I'm tired of this, whats going on, is he actually dead?"
Her stomach churned as she pinned Eleazar's facade of kindness.
"I don't know Grainy."
A seed of bitter hate stirred.

"I highly doubt that Eleazar, you know more than me for sure." 

"Listen, we need to leave, unless you want Grain to capture you, then be my guest I won't stop your love for them." He said it innocuously, grey eyes negotiating with her.
In the shadow of the sapling trees, a deep conviction grounded her.
She had the memory of God, the knowledge but the feeling was gone.

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