Chapter 20 Left In Blood

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"You think Creator is gonna save you."
In that moment it clicked, Conall had been talking about God.
On the bumpy silver platform someone came behind her, and with immense force threw her down.
She glimpsed her other self's own eyes, brimming with devilish fantasies.
Something in her said, "it's over." 
The side of her head slammed against the platform, something cracked.
In a split second death hovered over her, and Reika's life flashed before her eyes.

She was breathless, not able to move a muscle because of the Wires.
A foot pressed down on her back, it was a he who had tackled her.

The implant released its disabling hold of her mind, and she sputtered up something metallic.
Through her glassy eyes, she shook her head fearfully at her wicked self. It was by her own stupidity all this had occurred, that she had ended up back with Grain.
The foot lifted off her back, and the guy flipped her onto her back.
Reika couldn't finish, her body jerked and she choked on her blood. 
"Hey sis." There was a sinister curl along his lips and a wicked glint plastered on his face.
Wouldn't he help? Why didn't he?
Pain racked her body, something warm trickled down the back of her neck, soaking her shirt.
He just stared, grinning, was he a lunatic?

She was suffocating to death.
Yelling erupted in the background, Conall it was Conall!
Eleazar pinned her arms down as she fought to rise.
She wanted to scream, a frenzy of adrenaline overtook her.

"Grain wants to create monsters and even though they didn't succeed with you two, I guess what I told you last time is true, I am one."
The grin was replaced with a devoid expression as Conall ripped his esophagus raw with shouting in the background.
"Reika go take care of your brother."
Her evil twin jogged down the ramp.
Eleazar jutted his knee in her stomach and held her face between his hands.
"Are you even listening?"
He burst in a show of rage, digging the point of his knee in her abdomen.
In a pocket of her mind she had always mistrusted him, knowing he wasn't who he was pretending to be, and everything in this scenario proved her right.

She coughed up more blood. The excruciating agony made her too faint to fight.
"I recall when we were smaller and Grain would let us play near the Mires. Oh man I couldn't resist pushing you into the pit for the Stakes."
His dark eyes were steady, looking dauntingly into her begging ones with villainous pleasure. 

There was no pity, she was dying in a pool of blood and her brother was her murder.
He stifled a laugh, then moved his knee off of her.
"I was sick then and dude I still am." He snickered. "Ahh I might as well be nice to you before you die."
Reika took the opportunity, she'd die fighting with the same gull she'd had in all of Grains trials.

"Really Grainy!"
Eleazar let out a frustrated yelp when she resorted to biting his hand.
She heard the voices before she saw lanky shadows.
Her evil self was running them off, and worse they were allowing her to.

"I said Flames to the Grain!"
Collapsing, the flip? How had they known?
Her vision went black, it was over, they'd lost.
Reika faced herself, probed her own wicked heart in consciousness.

Death caved in, memories swallowed her in a pit of anguish.
The rims of the metal ledge were hot on her sticky skin. She had sacrificed so much, she had handed God and Flames her all.
Yet when it was her turn, why was she abandoned, why did her own blood chase away help?

Her eyes felt like sand was gummed in them, and the blood loss sucked her life away.
"Creator says le-!"
Reika blacked out, death won.

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