Chapter 10 (Izan): Spend Time With Me

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Mist's face paled in shock when I told her I quit my job at the restaurant.

"You just quit, Izan? Left the family business with no warning?"

"Yeah. I'd told my family what my terms were -- said I'd continue working at the restaurant as long as nobody stopped by to talk about anything unless it was work-related, and if they did, I'd walk out immediately. So today was just me keeping that promise."

"Who stopped by?" I knew by her face she had already guessed one of the visitors.

"Pilar and Yvette. I'd already told Yvette she no longer exists for me, and I'd blocked her on my phone. She must not have thought I was serious."

I almost laughed at the gee, I wonder why look on Mist's face.

"You don't have to say anything because I can tell by the look on your face what you're thinking: she didn't think I was serious because I'd let her get away with all the shit she'd pulled in the past. And you're right. But she fucked up today and found out just how serious I am about protecting what I have with you."

"What happened?"

God, that breathless tone in her voice made it hard to focus on the conversation.

A knock on the door of my office interrupted my review of the wine invoice compared to the inventory list in front of me. Something was off and I'd been trying to figure out where the discrepancy was for the last ten minutes.

"Come in," I called out. Pilar poked her head in, and I assumed she had some liquor invoices for me since she was in charge of the bar.

"Got a minute?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, and Pilar pushed the door open and she and Yvette walked in. Without a word, Yvette shut the door firmly behind her. She was standing in front of it as if to say I wasn't getting out of my office without going through her.

That could be arranged.

"This is ridiculous, Izan," Yvette started right in. "We've been friends since we were babies. You owe me more than just telling me you picked that girl over me and were cutting me out of your life because her feelings got hurt. Boo-hoo. Give me a break."

I'd known Yvette a long time, and I knew she was trying to provoke a reaction from me. She wouldn't get one, as I'd promised.

"And you know that your family is never going to let me be banned from your home, right? I'm part of your family, more than Mist ever will be, so you better get used to seeing me around. Your girlfriend should stop being so pathetic and needy and learn to get along with your family and friends."

Before, that definitely would have gotten a reaction, but today she got nothing, so she kept poking at me.

"Izan, you know you're going to regret it when you realize just how unsuitable she is for you. She doesn't fit in with our families. She's an outsider, and you're letting her end our friendship because she has some golden pussy or something, but you should know that never lasts. When someone's that unsuitable, you'll eventually realize she causes more trouble than she's worth and get rid of her."

I pretended to be scrolling through my phone, giving my undivided attention to the small screen instead of Yvette.

"At least have the guts to look at me when I'm talking to you, Izan!"

She was thoroughly exasperated, I could tell, but I made sure my face revealed nothing to her. Getting no response from me was much worse than me yelling at her, and I was enjoying hearing her unravel. Yvette didn't like being ignored.

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