Chapter 6 (Mist): Leave Now

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I finally went to bed after waiting for Izan to show up. When I was about to turn into a pumpkin as the clock struck midnight, I finally stomped off to bed, irritated and thoroughly pissed off, idly thinking that I'd been doing a lot of stomping lately.

So much for Izan stopping by when he was done with my dad. He'd probably been rethinking pursuing a woman his family didn't like, a woman whose own family was slightly out there. He could have Yvette with much less work with the added bonus of his family loving her. She was welcome to him.

Well, not really. The thought made me want to scratch her eyes out.

I'd surprised myself by falling to sleep almost immediately, the stress and strain of the last few days catching up to me. But I was pulled from my dreams when my phone chimed at 2:30 with a text. And then another one. Rubbing my eyes, I reached for it.

I didn't want to knock and scare you, but I'm here.

Izan was outside my door.

If you're asleep, when you wake up and check your messages, I'll be outside your door.

That made me sit up. I didn't want the neighbors to be freaked out by a man sitting outside my door all night. Quickly padding to my front door, I checked the peephole, and sure enough, Izan was there. After undoing my locks, I opened the door to him.

To a dirty, greasy, dusty Izan. Seeing the way I was looking him up and down, he smiled. "I didn't want to take the time to go home, shower and change before coming over to you. Would you mind if I jumped in your shower and then I'll explain why I'm so late?"

"Let me guess. Yvette drove her car into a ditch and you had to go pull her out while she cooed over your muscles."

His teeth flashed against his tanned, dirty skin.

"Not even close, Mist. Now, I'm going to take a quick shower and then we're going to talk."

"I'm tired." I was also sounding petulant.

"You can sleep in my arms after."

I jerked back from him. Did this man actually think this was a joke? That our problems could be solved by talking for an hour? 

"I won't be doing anything in your arms after we talk, Izan."

"Just hear me out, Mist."

"I let you in my apartment. I'm going to listen, Izan."

"You're going to do more than listen. You're going to forgive me."

He gave me a hot look and then headed to my bathroom. I curled up on my couch and fell asleep almost immediately. I woke up to a hand gently pushing my hair off my face. Izan was sitting on the couch next to me, wearing a pair of his sleeping shorts he kept here and nothing else.

Unfair. I'm supposed to have the home-court advantage, but now he's got the bare chest advantage.

"Do you just want to sleep until morning, Mist? I'll stay on the couch if you want."

Shaking my head, I sat up. "No, I want to get this over with."

With a frown, Izan sat next to me on the couch. "This is our future we're talking about and deserves our attention. It's not something to get this over with."

"Why are you so convinced we have a future, Izan?"

His eyes were so beautiful and sincere. "Because we love each other so much," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it had been, at one time.

"We need more than that to make it. Especially since we're both so close to our families, and your family hates me. Your friends do, too."

"They don't hate you."

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