Chapter 34

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Isn't today the end of the four days. Can't wait too see what you have to say, Mikey

The rest of the school day passed by as per usual. I'd try to remain attentive during lesson, taking notes, answering question. But it was hard to do so, when the boy in front kept on being a constant distraction. Typically I would be met with the back of his head, his purple hair looking really tempting. Getting lost for a second in wanting to touch and run my fingers through the soft locks.

But today -and the past couple of days- Takashi would lean his cheek against this left hand. The posture seeming like nothing out of the ordinary. But then he'd turn his face slightly to the right, not enough for the teacher to notice but enough for him to look back at me. Then he would stay like that for the reminder of the period. In that position, eyes never straying away from me for a single second. It's extremely hard to be paying attention when all of his is on me.

Numerous I would look up and catch his gaze, and instead of being flustered or nervous like I would've thought in being caught, his lips turn up in a smug grin his eyes holding an abundance of playfulness. Then I end up being the one flustered, with burning cheeks as I force my focus on anything but him, which only lead to him silently chuckling. As though finding my reaction amusing, which only made me feel more embarrassed.

So the second the bell signalling for break ran, I dashed out of the class room to the manga club. A place I knew where I could avoid him, as to enter a club room permission from the Club Head. And Yuuma-San isn't one for letting other people in. He's the typical Senior role model student, that every teacher speaks highly of. Yuuma-san keeps to himself majority of the time, which is a reason why I quite like him. It's a nice little change from the loud rambunctious behaviour I'm used to.

However in going to the club room I was forced into helping for the café. But I'm not much of a handy-man, and continued to leave that job for the boys. Whilst me and Yuuma-san planned out what we'd be doing for the three days the fair will be running. By the end of the break we had decided to follow a theme for each day. So each day will focus on a different manga. So the decoration of the café, the cosplay we dress up in will be based off the manga of that day.

But the menu will remain the same, as A. We don't have enough money left in the budget for the ingredients that will be needed and B. I am simply too lazy too plan out and cook three different menus. Though me and Yuuma-San have decided to feature a special each day on a food representing the manga of that day. Also, the boys were able to upgrade the stick shelter to the bases of a regular and functioning hut. I was there to help them, and by help I mean I sat on a chair and watched them whilst pointing out all the wrong things they did.

They got fed up of me 'bossing' them around and threw me away. Not actually throw, but they did have Hekima pick me up like a sack of potatoes. Carrying me through school -which was extremely embarrassing- to put me back down in front of Takashi in the home-economics club room. Giving his purple haired friend a quick nod before leaving.

A pin drop silence enveloped the room, as all the girls in the room stare at me blankly. I stare back at them the same, still processing as to what happened and where I am. "Well that was certainly an entrance" chuckles Takashi. I felt heat rise to my face, as I then remember as to exactly where I now am and with who. "I-I'm just going to go" I smile awkwardly, pointing a finger at the club room door, taking a step forward to leave. Wanting to leave from not only the awkwardness in the room, but also Takashi and all the foreign feelings he's been making me feel. It's nothing like I've felt before.

Before there were few moments where I felt true happiness, but with Takashi its not just joy that I feel with him. But it's contentment and security. The knowing that with him I can let loose a little without having to fear for my biological parents or anything of the likes. He makes me feels things I never had, and whilst as amazing as it is I also get scared a little. Scared that this all temporary and I might never get to feel like this again. Though in theory I should be absolutely be fine if that were to be the case, I've lived this far without it so what's to say I wont be able to later later on. But I know myself well, and I know that if these feelings were to be taken from me than that would be mean Takashi would be as well. And that... I'm not sure as to what will happen to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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