Chapter 30

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"Tonight, we're crashing the Toman Meeting"

"I've been waiting for this part" Cheered Akihito, pumping his fist into the air. I giggle at his childish antics, pushing myself off from the sofa. Grabbing the two dirty dishes from the coffee table and carrying them into the kitchen. Hito, also got up from his spot and trailed behind me. Turning on the sink I began to wash the dishes, the the raven head male beside me. A towel in hand and ready to dry off the clean dishes. "Do you think they'll ever catch on?" asks Hito. I turn to him confused, "What do you mean?" "Like do you think they'll realise the you that's coming tonight is the same you that they started the gang with?" he rephrases.

"I'm certain, though I will have to be slightly cautious in the beginning. But hopefully the 'letter' will do its job and prevent the boys from prying" I say. "Oh yeah, are you done with the letter?" he akas, diverting the topic of the conversation. "Yup, I was able to get a sample of Kana's handwriting yesterday. I sent it to someone, who'll be writing it for me in her style. Can't be too cautious now can you?" I lightly joke, whipping my hands with a tea towel. Walking past the living room and into my bedroom. Akihito trailing behind me again.

"We'll arrive there around 12. so we got a bit a of time to kill before then." says Akihito, jumping on to my bed. "Yeah, and so I guess I should start on planning out the menu" I sigh, grabbing my notebook before joining the male inside my bed. "Menu? For what?" he asks, peering over my shoulder. "My schools doing a festival, and instead of each homeroom class coming up with an idea to help raise funds for the school. This year they decided to do clubs, and each stand should reflect the club itself. And since I'm part of the Manga club, we need something with manga/anime." I explain. "Okay, but that still doesn't explain the menu" he points at the notebook in my hand, which contain various types of recipes.

"Yuuma-san decided that we'll be doing a manga themed cafe. With each of us cosplaying as a characters from different manga's. The boy's will be manual labour of creating the cafe, I've already gave them the designs. They just have to make it come to life. I've also agreed to come up with the menu for the cafe, seeing as I'm the only one that can cook." I reply, twirling the pen between my fingers. "Do you have a rough idea of what food items you want?" asks the raven haired boy, seemingly now interested. "I was thinking of doing like iconic food items from popular manga. Like the ramen in Naruto" I say. "That's an amazing idea, I might just have to pop by your cafe and eat try some of the food." he chuckles. "Are you coming to support your best friend or just eat the food and laugh at my cosplay?" I question, lifting a single eyebrow.

"Of course I'm coming for you N/N, but more your food." he answers, smiling cheerfully. I felt myself being irked by hi s words. So I pull onto the tip of his ear, whilst my other hand, pulls strands of his hair. "Ow, ow, ow. Y/N it hurts. Mercy. I beg for merc-Owwwww" whines the boy as I pull harsher.

It's currently 11:10 pm, me and Akihito are currently getting ready to leave for the shrine. With myself changing in my room and Akihito in the bathroom. I changed into my outfit, and sat myself at the vanity.

Tying my hair up in a low bun, before putting a wig cap over it. Whilst tucking in the loose strands of hair back in, I heard knock on the doo followed by a voice. "Yo, Y/N can I come in?" asks Akihito. "Yeah" I reply. The door of my bedroom is opened the next second and in comes Hito. Dressed and his hand shoved into his pockets. Seating himself on the edge of my bed. Watching me put on the rest of my disguise.

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