Chapter 4

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I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a burning broken car. This made my eyes shoot open and scan the car.  I then felt something warm trickle down my face. I touched some of the unknown liquid on my forehead with my fingertips. On my fingertips I saw a red liquid and immediately knew what it was. Ignoring the blood streaming down my head I  looked in the drivers seat and saw the face of the driver resting on the stirring wheel. Cautiously I leaned towards to the driver seat wiht my hand holding on to the seat for support and placed my finger underneath his nose. I felt nothing. H-he's dead. Carefully I sat myself back in the seat but then I felt pain on my under my thighs. I looked down and saw multiple small shards of glass coloured red from my blood. I hiss in pain when I felt something big and sharp stabbing the side of my lower back. I look behind me and saw a big chunk of glass stabbing my lover back. I took a few calming breaths before coming up with a plan to escape. Ok I need remain calm. Panicking won't help at all. I took one final look around the flaming car. My eyes landed on a slightly shattered window. Someone must have called the police to report this accident. So all I have to do I try and leave the car whilst also trying no to open my wounds any bigger. I looked at my shoes and then at the window. If I kick the window with my non wounded leg with enough care I should be able to climb out with out worsening my injuries. these are also platform boots so shards of glass shouldn't be able to get through. I carefully shuffled to the window. Occasionally groaning in pain as more glass entered my already open wounds or when my legs and arm would be cut by the shards of glass sticking out. Some where cuts shallow. Some of them were deep.

I took one more breath before kicking the slightly broken window with my foot. I let out a loud groan in pain as I felt the wound on my back slightly open. "Fuck. That hurt" I hissed. I have to be more careful. I took another look at the window. Ya. No. I let out a big sigh. Fuck this. Fuck being careful. I just have to climb out of that god damn window and hope the ambulance will arrive and treat me or if any bystanders will be kind enough and help me. I sucked in my breath as I felt pain course through my whole body. Trying my best to ignore the unbearable pain, I climbed out the window. Many shards of glass stabbed into my hand but I payed no mind to it.  My less wounded leg was the first one to hit the ground ,than followed by my more wounded  one. Once I was able stable myself as much as I can, I started limping my way away from the two broken cars.  I only made it a few feet before falling face down to the ground from exhaustion. I tried too get back up but I was too weak from all the blood I lost, that I was barely able to lift up my arm. I felt my eyelids start to become heavy as I felt my conciseness slowly fade away. I wonder what Michi is doing right now. Is he all right? I let out a little chuckle at my thoughts  You know dying doesn't so bad right now. I can no longer be burden on my parents or Michi and Hito doesn't have to deal with my annoying ass anymore. Yeah maybe dying would be a better option. I gave in and let my life slip out of my hands like sand. Loud sirens and the muffled voices of people talking  were the last thing I heard as I let my life fall into darkness.



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(AUTHORS NOTE: The first out outfit is Takemichis, the second Akihito and third Hayami)

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(AUTHORS NOTE: The first out outfit is Takemichis, the second Akihito and third Hayami)

Akihito-Nii and Ami are came over because apparently Akihito-Nii agreed to take care of me for Nee-San. The three of us were watching a movie at my house. The sound of the door opening was then heard, followed by a two pairs of footsteps. I turned my head to see my parents behind us with a sad expression. What happened. "Takemitchi" my mum called. "We have something to tell you" my dad finished. "Shall we leave then" suggested Akithito-Nii as he started to get up. "No. you should also hear this" my mum answered. "Ok" silently muttered Akihito-Nii. "Takemitchi. Your older sister got into an accident on her way to the airport" my dad stated. My lips slightly parted and my eyes widen in shock. M-my sister got into an ac-accident. "Is she alright?" Questioned Ami with tears swelling up in her eyes. Akihito-Nii just remained silent as he clutched his fists tight.  however what they said next made my blood run cold "Sh-she didn't make it. Y/N.  She.. died" my mum finished

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