Chapter 9

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Why do I always end up in some sort of situation when I am out on my own. I let out a groan of announce at my thoughts. As I walking down the streets I stopped by a convenience  store and brought some snacks to eat. I brought a box of matcha pocky, A pack of chocolate mochi and a bag of crisps.  After buying all my snack I exited to store with a brown plastic bag in my hand and walked towards to park.

I was slowly swinging myself on the swing whilst munching on the pocky I bought. I was enjoying the my own company until I heard a child crying. I tried my best to ignore it but the crying never stopped. I let out a sigh before getting up. I walked in the direction of the crying with my hands in my pockets. When I found the source of the crying my face soften at the sight of a little girl no older than 4 years old crying under the slide with her face buried in her knees. "Hey" I softly called as I crouched down to seem more approachable. The girl ,still sniffling, turned her head to look at me. "Why are you crying?" "I-I can't fi-find my oni-onii-san" answered the crying girl. "I can help find your onii-san" I suggested with my hand out. The little girl was silent for a second before deciding to take my hand. I helped the little girl get out from under the slide and started to walk around the neighbourhood to help her find her brother. "What's your name?" I asked in a sweet voice. "Luna" hesitantly replied the little girl that is holding onto my index finger. "My name is Hana but you can call me Aneki if you like" I spoke trying to make the girl more comfortable.

As the girl was about to say something she was cut off by the sound of her stomach grumbling. Puma's face turned red from embarrassment causing me to let out a little chuckle. "Why don't we sit on that bench over there and You can some of the food I have with me" I suggested whilst pointing at the bench only a few meters away. The girl shyly have a little nod before walking over to the bench. I grabbed the mochi out of the bag and handed it to Luna with a smile. Luna took the Mochi and started to eat it with a smile on her face. The two of us sat on the bench for a while talking. Luna was rambling about random things whilst I listened. "Luna. Shall we go back to the park. Your Onii-San might be there" "Okay Aneki".

When the two of of us arrived I saw a light purple haired boy frantically running around the playground with a distressed look on his face. When his eyes landed on Luna he shouted "LUNA!" and came running towards her. Luna had ears in her eyes and ran towards the purple haired boy. "ONII-SAN" called Luna weeping as she ran into her brothers arm. A black haired male with a scar on his lips behind the two siblings yelled "GUYS WE FOUND LUNA!". The four boys from before came running in our direction. I was about to leave when a voice behind me said "Thank you for bringing my sister back to me. I am sorry she caused trouble for you." Thanked and apologized the Lilac haired male behind me. I turned around to face the lilac haired boy "No problem. I'm happy I could help" I replied whilst ruffling Luna's hair which made her let out a little giggle. I smiled and looked up to meet a pair of lilac eyes. For a second it seemed like time stopped as the two of us looked into one another's eyes. I snapped out my trance when A heard a voice say "Oh! your that girl from before" Spoke the short blonde boy. I turned my head in the direction of the short blonde "Ohh yeah. How are you two boys anyways?" I asked the two black haired boys. "We are just fine" Responded the boy with fangs "Yeah also thanks for saving us back there" Thanked the boy with a tiger tattoo.

"What happened?" asked the boy with the scar on his lip. "When me and Ken-chin were looking for Luna we saw Baji and Kazutora getting beaten up by a bunch of high schoolers. We were about to step in when she ", explained the short blonde whilst pointing at me, "Came in and saved them. She took them all done with one kick". "Really?!" exclaimed the lilac boy and boy with the scar on his lips. "Oh yeah. we haven't introduced ourselves yet have we" spoke up the tall blonde boy with a dragon tattoo on the side of hi8s head. "I am Ryuguji Ken but you can call me Draken" Introduced the boy with the dragon tattoo. "I'm Sano Manjiro. You can call me Mikey" continued the short blonde. " Hayashida Haruki. You can also call me Pah-chin" Said the black haired boy with the scar on his lips. "Baji Keisuke" boasted the boy with fangs as he pointed his thumb to his chest. "Hanemiya Kazutora" Sweetly spoke the boy with the tiger tattoo on his neck. "I'm Mitsuya Takashi" Smiled the lilac haired boy. "I'm-" as I was about to introduce myself Luna cut me off by Exclaiming "HANA ANEKI". this caused the boys to look at the little girl In confusion. "Yeah, my name is Hana" I awkwardly continued. "Aneki! Let's play" whined Luna whilst tugging on my hand. "Luna you shouldn't do th-" Warned Mitsuya but I cut him of saying "Sure". "Hana you don't really have to_" "No. It's fine. I was bored at the Orphanage anyways" I reassured. I let Luna drag me over to the swings and leave the six boys there dumbfounded.

As I was gently pushing Luna on the swing the six boys walked over to us. I didn't have to look over to see it was them. Instead I ignored them and continued on what I was doing. "Hana. We were wondering if you wanted to be our friend?" Bluntly asked Mikey. "Huh?!" I blurted out shocked. "Come on Hana. It would be fun" added Baji. "Yeah" joined Kazutora. "If Aneki becomes friends with Onii-san and friends I can play with Aneki more" Beamed Luna. Why is she she so cute god damn it. "Now I have an actual reason to befriend them now" I giggled whilst patting Luna's head. "Is that a yes," beamed Mikey. "Sure I guess. But only because of Luna" I replied Bluntly. "Ehhhh!" Whined all of the boys. I let outa little chuckle at their childish behaviour.

Me and the six boys where sitting in a circle on a grassy field next to a river. Luna sat on my lap playing with my bracelet ,that Michi gave me, whilst the seven of us talked and laughed. They were telling me stories about the stupid things they did. "Hold up. Let me get this straight. You" I laughed whilst pointing at Baji who is in the middle of Kazutora and Mikey, "Set a car on fire simply because you were hungry". "Yeah he did" Confirmed a laughing Kazutora. "Baji a bad person" Randomly commented Luna. This made all of us burst out laughing and Baji blushed in embarrassment . "Yes luna. Baji is a bad boy so don't be like Baji" I chocked out in-between my laughter. "HANA!" Yelled an angry Baji. Ths just made us laugh harder. Suddenly I felt a my phone vibrating, wondering what it was I fished my phone oput of my pocket. I looked at my scren to see Issey calling me. I pressed answer and held the phone up to my right ear. "Hello" "A-Aneki" Replied a shaky voice. "Akira. What's wrong? Where is Issey?" I frantically asked. The boys seemed to have noticed something was wrong and looked at me with a concerened look but I ignored them. "A-Aniki I-is he-helping Iz-Izana. Iz-Izana ca-came back really h-hurt. " Sobbed out Akira. When i heard that I quickly placed luna on the ground and got up. "Akira I want you you to stay calm and Aneki will come back to help okay" I quickly reassured despite being paniacked myself. "Okay" With that I hung up and started running back to the orphanage "Hey Hana! whats wromng? Yelled draken. "Something happend at the orphange and I have to hurry back. I will meet you guys soon but I have to go now. Bye" I yelled worry evident in my voice. I didn't wait for a reply and continued on sprinting back to the orphanage whilst praying Izana is okay. Please be okay.

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