Chapter 11

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*Izana POV*

I admired Hana's beautiful face under the morning sun. I brushed the few loose strands of hair out of her face and whispered "Good morning my love" whilst kissing her forehead. After a few more minutes of watching my beloved sleep I decided to get out of bead and get ready for the day. I grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and a towel and hopped into the shower.

I walked out the bathroom with steam trailing behind me. I grabbed the towel around my neck to wipe of some of the excess water on my face. I looked over to my bed and saw Hana still sleeping. Smiling I walked over and carefully sat down next to her sleeping figure, wary if i would wake her up. I started playing with a strand of her purple hair when I heard on the door followed by a all to familiar voice. "Izana you awake yet?" Asked Kakucho. "Yeah. Come in" I replied not taking my eyes off of Hana's face. "How are feeling Izana?" Asked Kakucho. "Last night Hana started crying. She said she was really worried about me. That she was too scared to loose. That she has no idea why she is feeling like this" I said gently stroking her cheek, complete ignoring Kakucho's question. "To be honest I never saw Hana more worried and scared that yesterday when you were unconscious. I also never saw that mad when she learnt how you ended up like that" Chuckled Kakucho at the last part. "She was angry for me" I whispered smiling happily at her. "Hana worked hard yesterday trying to treat us. Why don't we let her rest and make her breakfast as thank you" suggested Kakucho. That doesn't sound like a bad idea. "We should also make breakfast for the others whilst were at it" I added. "Okay then" smiled Kakucho exiting my room. "Thank you for all you did yesterday love" I thanked kissing her cheek before leaving the room to make breakfast for everyone.

*Y/n / Hana POV*

Groggily I opened my eyes but immediately regretted it as the bright ray of the sun directly hit my eyes. I pulled the blanket over my head and let out a low grumble. Wait Blanket. I immediately shot and looked around the room. I'm still in the same room as last night. But how did I get in the bed. I looked to my side and saw Izana wasn't there. Where's Izana. He shouldn't be moving so much yet. I hurriedly got out of bed I was slowed down as my legs were tangled in the bed bed sheet.

When I was finally able to untangle myself, I ran out of the room. I started running around the orphanage looking for Izana. I then heard some noise coming from the kitchen. He's in the Kitchen. I ran into the Kitchen and saw both Kakucho and Izana making what looks like to be pancakes. "oh. Good morning Hana" greeted Kakucho holding up the spatula and waving. "You idoits!" I yelled,"Your both not meant to be moving or even out of bed for a few days to recover! Your bodies still need to recover from all the injures" "But we are completely fine Hana" reassured Kakucho. "I don't care" I snapped back. I grabbed both of their wrists and dragged them to the dining table and sat them down on the chairs. "The two of you stay here whilst I finish making breakfast" I sighed walking back to the stove to finish making the remaining of the pancakes.

I let out a sigh as I flipped the pancake. These idots have absolute no care for ther health. "I'm sorry if I upset you Hana" Apologised a deep voice. Startled I turned around and was met with a familiar pair of orchid eyes. "No. I'm sorry for yelling at the two of you" I apologized flustered. WHY WAS HIS FACE SO CLSOE TO MINE. I turned back around and plated the pancake. I poured some more batter onto the pan. As I was going to pick up the spatula to flip the pancake, a warm hand set itself on top of mine and then proceeded to guide my hand to grab the spatula. "I-Izana. Wh-what are you D-doing?" I stuttered. "I'm just helping you out" He spoke next to my ear, which caused my face to turn even more red as I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck. I stayed silent and let him do what he wanted.

I then felt his other hand make it's way around my waist. My breath hitched has his hand started to caress my stomach. "I-Izana st-stop i-it" I pleaded. "Sorry Hana some of the pancake batter got on you so I was just wiping it off" apologised Izana whilst showing my his fingers that had pancake batter in them. "No. I-it's fine but can you cut and prepare the fruits for me whilst I finish the last few pancakes" I asked embarrassed. "Sure" smiled Izana before walking off to do what I asked him.  "You know the two of you would look really good together" stated a new voice. I felt my body jolt in surprise. "Huh?!" I yelled in surprised I whipped my head around and saw a smirking Issey leaning against the door frame of the kitchen door. Next to him was a smirking Hito. These bastards. "I agree" spoke Hito. "Hmph! I have no idea on what the two of you are talking about." I pouted. this caused the two boys to laugh which only irritated me further. " Why the hell are the two of you here anyway?" I asked pissed.  "Oh. I heard a bunch of ruckus and decided to check it out" explained Issey. "I just followed him cause i was getting bored on my own" explained Hito pointing his thumb at Issey."Then why don't you guys go and help Izana and be useful for once" I grumbled. "I am not useless! take that back" gasped Issey offended. "Aniki is quite useless in comparison to Aneki" spoke up a sweet voice. The three of us looked down and saw Kane tiredly rubbing his eye. "Kane! How could you say that about your Aniki!" whined Issey causing me and Hito to burst out laughing. "H-hana. the pancake" reminded Hito through his laughter. "FUCK! I forgot!" I cursed. "HANA NO SWEARING INFRONT OF THE KIDS!" yelled Issey. "Oh shit! Fuck. Oh shit. Oh Fuck. Oh sh-" before I could continue my rambling a hand covered my mouth "I think that's enough swearing" laughed Izana. My eye widen in realization. THE PANCAKE. I pried myself off of Izana "FUCK. THE PANCAKE" I yelled running over to the stove. I heard Hito laughing even louder and Izana  chuckling.

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