Chapter 25

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"Yeah. We can now get a start putting the plan into motion"

Both us stayed in silent for a few seconds the only sound that could be heard was the faint voices of the radio. "Are you sure you want to go through this?  It's quite..." sighed Hito ruffling his hair. "I'm quite sure, I plan on making my parents suffer for a while before throwing them behind bars. For that too happen I can't let them get any insight on those close to me. They'll use them against like just like last time" I explained, muttering the last bit. "You know what happen years ago wasn't your fault. You couldn't control it" comforted Hito turning to me and rubbing my arms. Remembering the same events as me. "There is no point, we both now it's just as much my fault as it is my parents. If I had just protected her, and noticed what was wrong with her sooner. None of it wold happen. She and her parents wouldn't be...dead" I replied back sternly.

Akihito didn't say anything back and I was glad he didn't I don't want to dwell on the pst any longer. The past is the past, now I can only focus on the present. "So what's the first step of the plan?" asked Akihito diverting the conversation to a different topic. "First I want to find an apartment, I am going to need a place to stay after Sunako is taken. I don't want to switch orphanage again." I answered., looking out the window. "How are you going to do that, I mean I know you have the money to do so, but how will you, I on't think any real estate agent will sell a house to a 13 year old" pointed out Hito. "I was thinking of creating a fake ID and identity to buy it" I shrugged saying the first thing that came to mind. "How about we figure out something else? I am barely able to keep up with the different identities you have currently. Another one would not be needed" sweat dropped Hito.

He had a point, but I don't know. I haven't thought of it. I mean the only way I can think of is if someone of age buys it for me in their name and I'll pay them the money back. But I can't think of anyone who is willing to do that for me. "Oh yeah, my dad wants to meet with you" blurted out Hito. I instantly whipped my head towards him with my eyes wide and mouth agape. "WHAT!"

"Exiting the car, I waved Akihito good bye. "See you tonight" I waved smiling with a pissed expression on my face. "B-bye! sniffed Hito, rubbing the top of his head, where I had hit him earlier. Slamming the door shut, I walked in to school and made my way to the classroom. Turns out that after meeting with me again, Akihito was in a much brighter mood at home, His dad asked what it was that made him so happy but he didn't answer, not wanting to against our promise. Hayami then suggested that it might be cause he got a girlfriend, and Mr Daisuke belied it. Now he wants top meet me, his sons 'girlfriend'. I said to get a payed actor to play as you r girlfriend but Hito denied it and said that maybe his dad could help us with our little plan. Which made me think. I mean he has the power an influence, which could come in handy. So I reluctantly agreed.

"Hey, Y/N!" Called out a familiar voice. Looking up I saw it was Mitsuya, he standing in the corner of the hallways with a friend of his whom for some reason looked oddly familiar. As if I had met him from somewhere but I just can't but my finger on exactly where.

I smiled at the lace dear haired male and waved back. Walking over towards him. "Good Morning, Mitsuya. How are you?" I greeted now in front of the two boys. "I am good. How are you?" Responded Mitsuya. "I'm also good. It was quite surprising to see you at the festival yesterday."
"Yeah it was. Me and my friends wanted to go check it out and have some fun, but I didn't expect to see you there. You even heated Draken in that basketball game. I was honestly surprised" confused Mitsuya still smiling at me.

By this point my cheeks would usually be hurting for keeping a smile on my face so long but for some reason it's doesn't. It's almost like the smile and little warmth spurring my heart is real. God don't tell me these weird feeing are coming back. I can't risk getting distracted. "Oh yeah this is my friend Hekima." introduced Mitsuya.

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