When she'd reached the open space in the forest, she looked up at the branches meeting one another in the sky above her, creating a perfect door. "Found you," smiled Jessamine as she removed her glove, holding her bare hand out before her, into the shimmering mist. "Clarke!" Called Shu, "Wait-"

But it was too late.


The Fae Court was beautiful. Smooth, thick branches wrapped around one another as the rose, seperating into round arches which circled the grassy floor. There was a shimmering moat around the wooden platform with a tall, large, wood-carved throne with a large lotus flower acting as a cushion. Jessamine was starstruck.

"Welcome, Jessamine Clarke, daughter of Magdelaine Sommers and the granddaughter of Willow the Great."

"Willow the Great…?" Jessamine frowned as she begrudgingly stumbled through one of the arches, a burning pain shooting up through her leg. Jessamine hadn't known her grandmother at all. Her mother had done everything in her power to shelter the child from anything Fae.

"Come. Child." The human hadn't noticed a fair maiden sitting upon the pink lotus.

The Faerie Queen was tall and slender with long, pale fingers decorated with golden bands. She was dressed in the most beautiful, silver dress. The corset was tight, enhancing her small bust, and the skirt long and flowing, sparkling as much as the clear water around her did. Her hair was long and white, almost as white as her doll-like skin. Pink lips stretched into a warming smile as the Queen lifted her hand, clicking her fingers.

A feast had appeared before her with twin chairs. "I shall let your friend in… after we talk."

"Who are you?" It was an ignorant question; the Queen did not seem to mind. Jessamine had seated herself in the chair directly opposite the Queen, her hat removed and the food untouched.

"You mustn't be wary," said the Queen, "you are one of my children, I will not harm you."

"My Grandmother was a Fae. My mother and I, however, are not."

"Oh, but that is where you are wrong." Said the Queen, "Your mother was not a Fae, that is true, however, you…"

"I am an excellent liar, Your Majesty."

"So is all of our kind," smirked the Queen, causing Jessamine's eyes to widen. "We form rumours to make humans feel safe." She informed her as she examined her clean, flawless nails. "We are excellent liars - the best of the best. Our wine does not harm humans, it merely intoxicates them much faster than their cheap ale. Our food isn't dangerous, it is just too much for a human's taste buds."

"I don't have pointy ears." It was a far stretch for Jessamine and the Queen's laugh was beautiful.

"Oh how funny you are, my child." She said, "You have lived your life in a glamour. Have you not seen your ears?" Jessamine reached up, fingers touching the shells of her ears when her eyes widened. "Our fae-ness fades in the human realm," she said, "once you leave this realm, you will lose your ears, all that will remain is your glow."


"Shall we let your friend in, Dear Child?"

"Please don't refer to me as Jessamine. If he were to know I was a woman…" She'd heard his thoughts on women and their rights.

"Of course, my child."


"Your Majesty," Shu greeted, bowing low as he was escorted into the Queen's throne room. He was holding the Fae body in his arms as he straightened his spine, eyes scanning the room before they landed on… "You never told me you were Fae, Clarke."

"Jensen here is the grandson to my dear sister," the Queen announced, her movements flawless as she gestured to the table, "have a seat, Vampire."

"We have a Shapeshifter in London," Clarke announced, stiffening as Shu moved his chair uncomfortably close to her, "unfortunately, one of your children was found… murdered."

"Oh?" The Queen's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the bagged body at her feet. With a click of her fingers, the cover was removed… revealing someone very dear to the queen. "Oh!" Tears welled in her eyes, falling like glistening raindrops as she departed from her throne, walking across the moat and collapsing to her knees. "Oh, Theresa!"

Jessamine and Shu sat silently, their heads bowed apologetically as the Queen scooped her friend's head into her arms. "The truth is," she said with a sniffle, "we had heard of the murders and had known that you, Jensen, were on the case. We wished to help you; Theresa offered to pose as a victim… I never thought she would die."

"We're sorry for your loss." Clarke said gently.

"Thank you for bringing her home!" The Queen said, "You may leave, please leave." The pair were silent as they stood and made their way to leave the room. "Wait! Jes-Jensen," the woman turned to meet the Queen's eyes, "there will be a cane for you by the exit portal. Do take it."


"You made Faeries sound like demons," scoffed Jessamine as she admired the crystal hilted cane she'd been gifted. The stick was black and sleek, sturdy. The hilt was carved into a small sphere.

"Faeries are notoriously demons," replied the Vampire as he eyed that crystal ball. "Half Demon, Half Angel."

"Half bad, half good," said Jessamine, "a perfect balance."

"I have yet to meet a good Fae with good intentions."

Jessamine felt insulted by his comment but stayed quiet as she looked out the carriage window. "You are glowing, Clarke."

"It must be my Fae-ness." She muttered darkly, hugging her cane to her chest as the carriage carried them away.

"How would you, Mr Jensen Clarke, like to accompany me to dinner?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Sakamaki?"

"Perhaps I am."

"You're paying."

The Murders that Bind Us [S. Sakamaki]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя