"W-Who's there?" You called out, trying not to sound as terrified as you were.

The voice was soft and high-pitched, and as a shadow approached, the moonlight lit up the voice's owner.
Just as you thought, it was a little girl. She seemed normal enough, wearing a long, pink nightgown with the word 'Sally' stitched onto the front. Her brown hair was long and wavy, her eyes a startling green as she peered down at you with concern.
But as she got closer and the moonlight hit her a bit more, you saw how dirty her nightgown and white socks were, how scraped her legs were, and more disturbingly, the blood running down her face from a clotted wound on her head.

"Are you okay?" The little girl, who you assumed was called Sally, asked.

"U-Uhm, no, I think my hip is broken-" you began, but felt more concerned that a bloody child was in the woods alone, "Are you okay?"

"Me?" Sally's voice clouded in confusion, as if she was completely unaware of her wound, "Yes, of course!"

"Er, okay..." you said hesitantly, not wanting to point out her wound in case it frightened her, "Could you- uh- could you get... 'L.J'?"

"Uhh, I think he's working... but Mr. Slendy is home!" She offered cheerfully, her bright smile making your heart hurt.

The state of her reminded her painfully of your younger self, down to the nightgown and bloody, injured appearance. But your thoughts were cut short as she continued to speak.

"That isn't your blood, is it?"

"What?!" You exclaimed, your mouth falling open as this literal child accused you of murder. And the fact she was right unsettled you even more,  "Er- no, I mean- no as in it isn't someone else's..."

"I can tell, it's okay! I won't tell." Sally replied, her innocent, joyful smile not fading despite the topic.

'What the fuck does she mean she can tell???' You screamed internally, too shocked to even say anything as you stared at her, dumbfounded.

"Okay, I did. But... he was a bad man..." you explained quietly as you finally found your words, trying to say it gently for the child even though she was weirdly unfazed by murder, "...I didn't mean to."

"That's okay. Bad men deserve it." Sally said, her voice suddenly firm as her eyebrows furrowed slightly. But it quickly disappeared, smiling once again, "Come, Mr. Slendy can help."

Only nodding slowly, a bit too unnerved to say anything else, you used the rock that had injured you to climb to your feet. You winced as you tried to not put any weight onto it, but Sally didn't wait, turning and beginning to disappear into the dark.

"Shi- I mean- Hey! Bloody girl, slow down!" You called out, picking up your things quickly and stumbling after her.

Sally paused, turning and outstretching her hand for yours. When you caught up and took it, she began leading you through the forest once again, seeming to know the way through the thick, dark trees.
This felt oddly familiar, a sense of deja vu overtaking you as you attempted to remember where from. Then it hit you. The dream you had in the car, when your parents were driving you to these very woods to abandon you.

This couldn't be real. Had you... predicted this?

Your mind reeled as you began to try and wrap your head around this revelation, wondering if this was destiny or if you were just psychic. Lost in thought, you didn't notice Sally pulling you up the porch of a huge, badly constructed mansion. Or notice her opening the large, weirdly tall door and pulling you in.
But you did notice the instant pain in your head, static filling your mind and sending you crumbling to the floor as white noise rang in your ears.

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