"Where's the operating room?"


Joel shot his abdomen after he got no answer.

"I don't have time for this. Where?"


Second shot and the grunt is slowly losing his consciousness.



"Top...floor. The far end...." Joel let go as the grunt slowly slid down to his knees. He proceeded to shoot him face first, ending him.

"Gunshot! Search the floor!" The shots alerted other Fireflies. Joel quickly grabbed his effect and fought his way toward the top floor.

It was a massacre. Joel singlehandedly brutalized over two dozens of Fireflies army on the floor.

Trying to sneak past some of the grunts, he could hear shouting and shootings from the upper floor.

"What the hell!?"

"Shit!! It's the boy!"

"We need to get Marlene now!!"

Thanks to the distraction, Joel lit up a Molotov and threw it at the group, burning them to dead before making his way to the emergency stairs.

Barricading the exit door, he got up the floor but what awaited him wasn't what he was expecting.

The guards and Fireflies on the floor are dead. Blood spilling out from the neck, nape and head, seemingly a work of a sicko. But Joel didn't stop.

"Argghh!!" The scream from the hallway caught his attention.

"God damn you (Y/N)!"


Joel readied his weapon, crept alongside the wall, looking through the entrance. He saw a grunt kicking someone by the stomach a few times.

"You! Mother! Fucker!" He yelled with every kick connected.


Joel managed to blow a hole through his skull with the revolver before approaching the victim who's slowly getting up on his feet. He turned and looked at Joel with his vengeful (e/c) eyes.

It was a boy. Almost the same age as Ellie. Blood around his hands, with the right one grabbing a razor knife, which presumably killed the other Fireflies before he got there. Joel still has his gun on him.

"You're the smuggler?" The boy speaks first. Joel, almost pulled the trigger before he asked another question.

"You're looking for the girl?" Then he hesitated. Judging from the scenario here, he's not his enemy. Yet.

"Where is she?" He returned the question. The boy let out a sigh.

"This way." He turned, with Joel following him behind, still aiming at his head with the revolver.

Opening the door to the operation room, there lies Ellie, unconscious, with a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo injects to her arms and insert inside her through the mouth.

"Sweet Jesus." Joel muttered at the sight of his baby girl being powerless.

"Doctor!?" One of the nurses was shocked by the uninvited guests.

"(Y/N)!?" The doctor in charge yelled out, looking at the boy beside Joel. He quickly went over the side and grabbed a scissor, threatening the two.

"You can't stop this." The boy, (Y/N) walked over to the doctor, unfazed by his threat.

"Think of all the lives we'll save. Come to your goddamn senses boy!!"

(Y/N), despite his shorter body build, delivered a swift heel kick to the doctor's hand, knocking the scissor off him, followed by a jab of his knife towards the throat.

Blood begins to stain the doctor's gown, after he pulled out from the throat, leaving him bleed to death.

Joel went over to Ellie, unhooking all the medical appliances off her. After he's done, he then realizes that the boy had already finished the two nurses by slitting their throats.

He then left the room, with Joel carrying Ellie in his arms. They managed to escape the place, avoiding the grunts that were after them by getting into the elevator.

No words were spoken between the two during the descent of the elevator. Joel was keeping his distance, watching him like a hawk. (Y/N), on the other hand, wiped his knife against his shirt, not caring about the old man in front. He did look at Ellie a few times though.

Arriving at the parking lot, Joel rushed out only to be met with Marlene, pointing her gun at him.

"You can't save her. Even if you get her outta here then what? How long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of clickers? That is if she hasn't been raped and murdered first." Joel was anxious at the moment.

"That ain't for you to decide."

"It's what she wants. And you know it."

"No." (Y/N) walked out of the elevator, revealing himself to Marlene.

"It's what you want. We're just pieces of pawns in your whole propaganda Marlene."

"You bastard. If only you stayed in your-"


Joel, having his revolver on his hand, covered beneath Ellie's hospital gown this whole time, fired his shot at Marlene, causing her to drop her gun. She dropped to her feet, grunting in pain.

Joel placed Ellie inside one of the car, and starts the engine. He walked over to Marlene, who's having a hard time talking to (Y/N).

"Your lost Marlene." He crouched down toward her level, looking at her dead in the eyes.

"You don't...understand (Y/N). It's-"

"There is no cure. Even if there was," He picked up the gun Marlene dropped earlier.

"I don't feel like sharing."



The boy headshot the Fireflies Queen with her own gun. Standing up, looking at Joel, both are holding on the gun, feeling the tension. Joel feels like shooting the boy, and (Y/N) feels like slitting the man.

"Wait any longer and they'll catch up." He throw the gun at Joel's feet, then walked off. Joel sighs, then quickly returns to the car and drove off.


Along the ride back, Ellie regain her consciousness. Joel came up with some lies telling her that the Fireflies gave up finding the cure.

More lies before they walked into the settlement in Jackson.

"Swear to me. Swear to me that everything you said to is true." Ellie looks at him with her emerald eyes, hoping for the best.

"I swear."


Part 1 of The Last Of Us is here. The story starts from the ending of the first one then followed up to the second one. No, not the one where some muscular girl shows up. Before that.🏑

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