Chapter 6: Hero's Demise

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News of Gavinrad the Dire's demise reached the war-torn lands of Lordaeron like a cold, chilling wind. A heavy sense of loss settled upon those who heard it. The legendary paladin, known for his valor and strength, was a revered champion of Lordaeron. Gavinrad, the legendary paladin who had once bestowed his warhammer, Light's Vengeance upon Prince Arthas, had fallen. The irony wasn't lost on Davion, for it was this very weapon that had once symbolized Arthas's noble destiny before he became the Lich King.

Gavinrad's death weighed heavily on everyone's hearts, and it was clear that a proper burial, fitting for such a revered hero, was impossible under the dire circumstances they now faced. Lordaeron was under siege, and the Scourge's relentless assault left little room for grief or ceremony.

Davion had never seen the fabled warhammer, but he knew of its significance as the Light's Vengeance brought a great deal of honor to Lordaeron through the feats the then bright young paladin, Prince Arthas.

Rumors circulated that Gavinrad had perished while guarding the crypts beneath the city. It was said that Arthas, driven by his insidious quest to resurrect the necromancer Kel'Thuzad, had struck down the valiant paladin in his relentless pursuit who now wields Frostmourne instead of the legendary warhammer.

As the city's defenders fought desperately against the Scourge, Davion couldn't help but reflect on the fallen hero. Gavinrad's sacrifice, like so many others, had been overshadowed by the darkness that had consumed Arthas. He had given his all to protect Lordaeron, only to be betrayed by the very prince he had once mentored and believed in.

The battle raged on, and despite the overwhelming odds, the defenders of Lordaeron continued to resist the Scourge's advance. Their hearts were heavy with grief and anger, but they drew strength from the memory of heroes like Gavinrad. In the midst of chaos and despair, a flicker of hope remained, a determination to honor the fallen and reclaim their homeland from the grip of darkness.

Davion found himself shoulder to shoulder with a fellow knight, Sir Edward, both of them fending off a relentless wave of ghouls. Sir Edward had a somber expression on his face as they fought side by side. He then shouted over the clash of steel and the wails of the undead, "Davion, do you ever wonder if we're fighting for a lost cause?"

Davion's gaze remained fixed on the enemy, his voice grim but resolute. "I've had my doubts, Sir Edward. But we fight for Lordaeron, for the memory of heroes like Gavinrad. Their sacrifices can't be in vain."

Sir Edward nodded, his eyes reflecting the pain of their shared history. "Aye, you're right. It's just hard to believe we're battling against the prince we once called our own."

In the midst of their conversation, a ghoul's vile talons found its mark. It lunged at Sir Edward, who managed to block most of the attack but couldn't evade it entirely. The ghoul's claws tore through his armor, leaving a vicious gash on his side. Sir Edward staggered back, clutching the wound, his face contorted in pain.

Davion's strikes were now both fierce and protective. With a renewed determination, he fought off the ghouls, ensuring they couldn't press their advantage against his injured comrade. "Hold on, Sir Edward! We'll get you to safety."

Despite his injury, Sir Edward's eyes held a glimmer of determination. "No, Davion. You must continue the fight. I'll manage. Save Lordaeron. Save our home."

Davion hesitated for a moment, torn between his duty and his concern for Sir Edward. But with a firm nod, he continued to battle the undead horde, his heart heavy with the weight of the fight and the knowledge that his comrade's sacrifice, like so many before him, would not be in vain.

In the midst of chaos and despair, a flicker of hope remained, a determination to honor the fallen and reclaim their homeland from the grip of darkness. Davion, burning with anger and fury, his resolve steeled by the memory of his fallen comrades and the knowledge of Arthas's treachery, fought on. His heart pumped extremely fast as an unfamiliar power surged within him. "TAP INTO MY POWER!"


P.S. Sorry for the super delay, been extremely busy at work these past few months.

Thank you for reading!

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