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The moment we stepped out of Anton's room, I could feel the collective gaze of the pack members fixated on us. It was as if all eyes were on the unexpected guest, and my heartbeat quickened. My training as a loner had not prepared me for this level of social interaction. Anton and I made our way downstairs, and the chatter among the pack members hushed as we descended. I clung to the story Anton had concocted, reminding myself that I was Emi's distant cousin who had been injured by a rogue. The more I repeated it in my mind, the more it felt like a believable truth.

Anton, ever the Alpha, led the way with confidence. His presence alone seemed to command respect, and the pack members instinctively made way for him. I followed closely, trying to exude a calm demeanor, though I felt anything but calm on the inside.

As we reached the ground floor, the pack members began to approach us. Curious and inquisitive, they wanted to know who I was and what had happened. Anton introduced me as Emi's cousin Amaris, emphasizing the rogue attack and his quick response to bring me a shirt.

The questions started pouring in, and I did my best to answer with a mixture of truth and vague details. I smiled and nodded, trying to be friendly and approachable, but the constant attention was overwhelming. It felt like a never-ending stream of introductions, inquiries, and handshakes.

Despite the anxiety bubbling within me, I couldn't help but notice how protective Anton was. He stood by my side, a reassuring presence, and occasionally stepped in to deflect overly probing questions or steer the conversation away from sensitive topics.

As the morning went on, the pack members gradually returned to their activities, accepting my presence and the story Anton had provided. It seemed that my role as Emi's cousin had been solidified, at least for the time being.

Anton and I eventually found ourselves in the pack's kitchen, Laura hadn't cooked today due to the new tenants, where a hearty breakfast was being prepared. The smell of food filled the air, and my stomach rumbled in response. Anton, ever the attentive Alpha, made sure I had a seat and even served me a plate of food.

We ate in relative silence, both lost in our thoughts. I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of gratitude and discomfort. Grateful that Anton had come to my rescue and brought me here, but uncomfortable with the sudden shift in my life and the challenges that lay ahead.

After breakfast, Anton escorted me to a small sitting area in the pack house, away from the prying eyes of the other pack members. We could finally talk without the constant attention.

"Are you okay?" Anton asked, his concern evident in his eyes.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I think so, but this is all so overwhelming. I've never been around so many people."

Anton nodded in understanding. "I know it's a lot to take in. Just remember, I've got your back, and you don't have to go through this alone. If it gets too much, we can always find a way to give you some space."

I appreciated his reassurance, but I also knew that if I wanted to stay in the pack and keep my promise to help him with his wolf, I needed to adapt to this new reality.

"I'll do my best," I replied with determination. "But we should also talk about what comes next. Why did those rogues attack us, and what do they want?"

Anton's expression grew serious as he considered my question. "I've been thinking about that too. It's not typical for rogues to attack so boldly near our territory. I suspect there's something more going on, something that might pose a threat to the pack. I was wondering if you might be able to help us. You spent a lot of time in the woods with rogues, maybe there's something there."

I nodded in agreement. "I'm willing to help in any way I can."

Anton's eyes softened, and he reached out to squeeze my hand. "Thank you, Amaris."

As we sat there, I couldn't help but wonder how our journey would unfold. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and mysteries, but one thing was clear— like it or not for now we were in this together, Alpha and lone wolf, at the start of forging a bond that neither of us could have predicted.

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