Chapter 11

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They are finally there.

All three of them are sitting in Liam black expensive car. It's been a long drive home, Liam was driving while Zayn and Harry was sitting at the back. Zayn didn't want to leave Harry alone, even for the drive.

They had a long day, all of the information and the documents that they needed to free Harry from the hospital was theirs. And the doctor orders as well.
Harry needed a lot of rest for the next few days, and taking some syrup medication. Liam tried to convince Harry taking pills, saying it's much easier. But the small boy just wouldn't want to try, saying it's making him throw up.

They could feel that all of this situation was very strange and unfamiliar for Harry, but it was also what was best for him.

Harry stared at the huge house that was in front of him. So big.

But beautiful.

He saw a lovely front garden of beautiful flowers and green grass leading to the front door. The door was a huge black with a silver handle looking all very nice.

"Home sweet home" Liam said, looking back and smiling.

"Yup! Now let's get out of here, it's getting stuffy" Zayn replied, getting out of the car and right after opening Harry's door. He didn't say a word yet.

Harry got out, took a big breath of cool winter air. Then tried to get his bag out of the car.

He didn't have a lot of stuff to carry, but the little amount of clothes and his stuffed animals fit just fine inside the small bag.

"Oh, no! I've got it love. You can go ahead" Liam stopped him.

"Oh Okay, Thanks" Harry said, didn't forget his manners

Harry walked next to Zayn, entering the house.

And god, if Harry thought the house was beautiful from the outside, the inside was even prettier.

It was huge, i can get lost in here Harry thought.

"It's been a long day, Huh?" Zayn asked Harry

"Mhm" Harry hammed, looking up to Zayn's eyes.

Zayn could tell Harry was overwhelmed, just by how quiet he is, He looked all around the house with an 'aw' face, surprised.

Harry knew that Liam was a famous singer and probably very rich, he just couldn't ever imagine something like this- i will be living here

"I bet you're tired, so let's go upstairs to get ready for bed while Liam is making a quick dinner. How does that sound?" Zayn asked, trying to be as gentle as he can, so Harry will feel comfortable.

"S-sounds good" Harry said, it didn't actually sounded good. He was so confused.

"Great! You'll love out baths here, there's lots of bubbles" Zayn said while leading to the second floor of the house. "Be careful on the stairs please" he added.

Bubbles? That sounds fun! Harry smiled to himself, he never had a bubble bath, but when he washed his hands there was always bubbles that made him smile.

They reached the bathroom, it was, as well a very big one. The tub looked just like a real pool, and there was a lot of space. Zayn started the bath for him, making sure the temperature of the water was nice.
He opened one drawer and took a white towel. Then opened some other drawers and getting out some sort of bottles that Harry didn't recognise.

"Alright, you can start getting in. This is the basket of the dirty clothes" Zayn pointed out a baby pink coloured basket at the corner of the room.

"The towel you'll be using is right here, and the shampoo you need is right over there" Zayn said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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