Chapter 6

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Liam and Zayn stayed at the hospital that night together, alone in the waiting area, Luck left back to the hotel, he was upset. Zayn wanted to ask his husband about it but he didn't want to upset him more, so he was there for him all the night, they slept a bit, Zayn was very curious about the Harry, he heard stories but never got to see him.

It was 6:00 AM when the doctor approached to them, waking the couple up, they didn't sleep much, most of the time they talked about life, and their past week without each other, they loved having those deep conversations. however Liam jumped right up, when he saw the doctor figure with his sleepy eyes. he waited for this the whole night.

"Mr. Payne?"

"Yes, this is us." Liam said, Zayn took Liam's last name when they got married, he always loved this name and also Liam was too famous to change his last name to Malik. he would do it if Zayn didn't want to change his name, but Zayn wanted it more them anything

"Okay, sirs. I'm doctor Marin. I have some news about Harry. Thankfully he's ok, just a couple of cuts that he had around his body, not that deep and we took care of it, he did have a fever so he took some medicine and slept the whole night, he is much better now."

"Thank you doctor, and what about the people who did it? Do you know some know anything?" Liam asked

"No. The police came here but the boy wouldn't answer, it seemed that he was very shy, maybe, he was trying to cover up the people who did it, even  the school don't have any information about the kids parents." The doctor answered

"It's horrible! What kind of school doesn't have a kids information?" Zayn said upset.

"Harry faked it, all of his parents information os fake, even his ID. but don't worry, this is not over yet, the police is doing everything to get to the bottom on the case."

"I hope they will." Zayn said

"Can we see him now?" Liam asked

"He is sleeping, but i'll lead you to his room, he may woke up already" doctor Marin replied and started walking, Liam was glad that Harry was alright, he was so nervous that something really bad happened to the boy, and for some reason he couldn't stop thinking about it, it's like he truly cared for him.

They reached to the room harry was in, when Zayn and Liam got their first look the room, it was pail white, just a closet and a bathroom attached to it, there was a bed in the middle of the room, with Harry was in. awake.

Harry was just laying there, staring at the walls. As if there is nothing else better he can do. He looked beautiful though, his curly hair sitting perfectly, his pink lips and rosey cheeks.

Liam and Zayn didn't want to scare the boy all at ones, so they decided that Zayn will go for a little shop and Liam will enter first because Harry sort of knew him already. Liam slowly walked to the bed Harry slept in. And Zayn went to the marker

"Hey, Harry" Liam  said

Harry didn't speak, just turned his head over at Liam, when he saw the famous person he saw at the same day that the school year started he was shocked, what is he doing here? He clearly didn't remember a thing that happened last night. The last think he could remember is the way he laid down at the cold street and fell asleep.

"Do you remember me?" Liam said nicely and Harry nodded.

"Well, i'm glad. How are you feeling?" Liam sat at chair that was close to Harrys bed.

Harry didn't answer him, he was too overwhelmed and scared.

"Listen Harry, i know this isn't easy. What you're going through is not fair. I just want to let you know that me and my husband Zayn will be here for you, if you need help or talk to someone about something that is bothering you, we're always here. Ok?" Liam said

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