Chapter 2

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I opened the door of the class nervously, this is it. No way back now.

"hello, what is your name?" The teacher asked me.

"H..Harry, sir" i'm so embarrassed, taking in front of big crowds is the most hard thing for me to do.

"And why you're late?" The teacher looked serious. and scary.

" I couldn't find my way, sorry." I managed to say, my cheeks are burning out of embarrassment.

" okay go take a seat, make sure it doesn't happen again." i nodded and walked to the back of the class, where I found an empty seat. I like sitting in the back, it makes me feel like no one is watching me and I can do whatever I want.

"Girl you heard that Liam fucking Payne is coming to perform here?" I managed to hear two girls sitting next to me, whispering to each other. One girl had a Beautiful blonde hair and big blue eyes.

"Oh Yes! I can't believe I'm going to see him, that's fucking crazy!" The dark haded girl said louder, that was when the teacher told them to quite down.

The teacher started to introduce himself again for the students that entered late.

"Hello, class. I'm Mr. ben. I'm going to be your math teacher of this year. I hope we are all going to have a great year together" Mr. ben spoke loudly.

"First thing's you need to know, this is math class, not the mall, you will not eat while in class, you will not be lat-" suddenly the door opened and a blonde guy entered the room.

"I'm sorry for being late, sir." The blonde boy said. "Take your sit please." Mr. ben said, upset for being cut in the middle of his sentence.

The blonde boy looked around for an empty sit, next to me.

"As i was saying, no being late to class, do not eat in class, and definitely no cussing in-"

"hey" the blonde boy talked to me quietly

"Oh, hi" i said shyly. "I'm Niall What's your name?" Niall looked nice, he had blonde fluffy hair and some beautiful blue eyes, i wish I would look like him, he was very pretty.

"I'm Harry" i answered him while trying to listen to what Mr.ben was saying, I don't want to get into trouble for not listening, i hate punishments.

"Oh, um do you know what's the teachers name?" Niall asked me, it seemed to me like he was trying to start a conversation. I guess he was a friendly dude, don't get me wrong, I can be very friendly if I want too, i'm friendly with Molly. But I find it really hard to get to trust people enough. I know it's something I need to work on. Soon he will get to know me, and won't want to talk to me.

"oh yes, it's Mr. ben" i told him, Niall nodes at that and my attention goes back to Mr. Ben

"So, after we're done here, you all are going to the concert's room." At that all the girls in the room starts to cheer

"silence. If you have the map then it would be no problem to find the place. Any questions?" A girl in the front raised her hand

Mr. Ben gave her permission to speak "After Liam will finish to preform is there a chance that we could ask for a picture with him?"

"I don't know for sure, but most likely not." Mr. Ben answered her simply.

There was a lot of 'no fair!' And 'come on!' Comments, I guess that Mr Liam is a very popular man

"silence now!" Mr. Ben said loudly. "Is there some more questions?" No one raises their hands

"You are all dismissed." He said after a few moments. And everyone started exiting the class.

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