Chapter 64 - Never Give Up (Adrien/Chat Noir)

Start from the beginning

"Your towel fell down!" He blurted, not looking back. "What?!" I knew something was wrong when I felt some breeze.... Down there...

I quickly lifted up my towel. My face was flushed red. "Just l-leave!" I covered my own eyes, and after a minute or two, I uncovered them and he was gone.

I left the bathroom and got dressed. Plagg was watching me. "You dismissed your boyfriend." He said. "I know that! Ugh!" I fell back on the bed.

"I hated doing that. But he needs to believe Adrien is still pissed at him. I'll give him as much attention as Chat Noir when I see him to make up for it." I sat up. "I need to see him now. I might be able to catch up with him if I hurry," I got off the bed.



I caught up with Viperion just at the rooftop near Marinette's house. I was panting heavily. "Chat? What are you doing here?" I walked up to him. "I wanted to see you after uh... You know... And I was hoping you would be out here and well... I found you." I told him.

"Awe... That's really sweet of you." I blushed. "Well yeah, you're my boyfriend what was I supposed to do other than check up on you?" He giggled. "That makes sense." He looked really cute right now.

I slowly cupped his face and kissed him for a few seconds before pulling away. "Oh. What was that for?" He smirked and teased. "Just felt like it." I said.

No absolutely not it was to make up for being a jerk to you earlier. But yes, I really wanted to kiss him. "I liked that you felt like it." He leaned in and kissed me again.

I moved my hands from his face to his neck and wrapped my arms around it, kissing him back. I felt his arms move to my waist and pulled me closer.

He pulled away and looked at me with nothing but love in his eyes. I looked at the sky. "Jeez, I didn't realize how late it had gotten. We should, go home." He let go of my waist and pulled me close to him in a hug.

"Yeah.. I'll hopefully see you later." He pecked my lips again. "I love you." He said. "I love you too.." He waved and left.

I went home.


"Adrien?" Chloe came to my room to say goodnight. "Is something wrong?" She asked. I shook my head. "He said 'I love you' to me." I mumbled. She came over and sat next to me. "Really? I thought you guys were already saying that." I looked at her.

"But we've only been dating for like a month. We wouldn't say it that quickly. But... I'm glad he did. Because I do love him. And I hope he loves me." Chloe grinned at me.

"He wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Hang on... When did this happen?" She asked. "I just got back." I answered. "From seeing him?" I nodded.

"He came to visit me earlier when I was me... But I had just gotten out of the shower and it was really embarrassing and awkward and snapped at him. I was just acting yes because he doesn't know I'm Chat... So I had to do something. I caught up to him and gave him something to make up for it without him knowing why. And right before we parted ways he said that to me. I was a little shocked but I said it back. And here we are now." She blinked at me.

"Interesting. So you're at the 'I love you' stage. Miles and I have been there for a bit. But, we should really get to sleep. School in the morning." She stood up.

"Goodnight Adrien." She began to leave my room. "Night Chloe." She closed my door. I crawled into bed and turned off my lamp, crawling into bed and getting under the sheets and falling asleep.

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