Lilian's Truth...

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" So, she's not real?" Javon says confused.

" yeah I guess..." I say, trying to forget about it all.

" Then how can we see her?" Jaden asks.

" I-I don't know. Can we not talk about this?"

" you can't just come here, tell us all this shit- then expect us not to ask questions." Jaden says.

Javon gives him a deadly glare.

Jaden immediately shuts up.

" I just want to forget about this all..... About her."

Javon walks over to me, and grabs my hand. He intertwines our fingers; his thumb rubbing the back if my hand.

" Coco... Maybe you need to remember this. I know I don't know much about what's happening, but it seems like Piper is an important part of your childhood whether you like it or not."

" I'm just so confused...... She seemed so real.... Literally everyone can see her! But then again... I don't think my mother would lie to me about something like this." I say.

All of a sudden everything gets blurry.....




WAKE UP.....

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